Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains interfaces for all Account management features of the
from import DynectInvalidArgumentError
from import DynectSession
from dyn.compat import force_unicode
import re

__author__ = 'jnappi'
__all__ = ['get_updateusers', 'get_users', 'get_permissions_groups',
           'get_contacts', 'get_notifiers', 'UpdateUser', 'User',
           'PermissionsGroup', 'UserZone', 'Notifier', 'Contact']

[docs]def get_updateusers(search=None): """Return a ``list`` of :class:`` objects. If *search* is specified, then only :class:`` who match those search criteria will be returned in the list. Otherwise, all :class:``'s will be returned. :param search: A ``dict`` of search criteria. Key's in this ``dict`` much map to an attribute a :class:`` instance and the value mapped to by that key will be used as the search criteria for that key when searching. :return: a ``list`` of :class:`` objects """ uri = '/UpdateUser/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) update_users = [] for user in response['data']: update_users.append(UpdateUser(api=False, **user)) if search is not None: original = update_users update_users = [] for uu in original: for key, val in search.items(): if hasattr(uu, key) and getattr(uu, key) == val: update_users.append(uu) return update_users
[docs]def get_users(search=None): """Return a ``list`` of :class:`` objects. If *search* is specified, then only users who match those search parameters will be returned in the list. Otherwise, all :class:``'s will be returned. :param search: A ``dict`` of search criteria. Key's in this ``dict`` much map to an attribute a :class:`` instance and the value mapped to by that key will be used as the search criteria for that key when searching. :return: a ``list`` of :class:`` objects """ uri = '/User/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} if search is not None: search_string = '' for key, val in search.items(): if search_string != '': ' AND '.join([search_string, '{}:"{}"'.format(key, val)]) else: search_string = '{}:"{}"'.format(key, val) api_args['search'] = search_string response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) users = [] for user in response['data']: user_name = None if 'user_name' in user: user_name = user['user_name'] del user['user_name'] users.append(User(user_name, api=False, **user)) return users
[docs]def get_permissions_groups(search=None): """Return a ``list`` of :class:`` objects. If *search* is specified, then only :class:``'s that match those search criteria will be returned in the list. Otherwise, all :class:``'s will be returned. :param search: A ``dict`` of search criteria. Key's in this ``dict`` much map to an attribute a :class:`` instance and the value mapped to by that key will be used as the search criteria for that key when searching. :return: a ``list`` of :class:`` objects """ uri = '/PermissionGroup/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) groups = [] for group in response['data']: groups.append(PermissionsGroup(None, api=False, **group)) if search is not None: original = groups groups = [] for group in original: for key, val in search.items(): if hasattr(group, key) and getattr(group, key) == val: groups.append(group) return groups
[docs]def get_contacts(search=None): """Return a ``list`` of :class:`` objects. If *search* is specified, then only :class:``'s who match those search criteria will be returned in the list. Otherwise, all :class:``'s will be returned. :param search: A ``dict`` of search criteria. Key's in this ``dict`` much map to an attribute a :class:`` instance and the value mapped to by that key will be used as the search criteria for that key when searching. :return: a ``list`` of :class:`` objects """ uri = '/Contact/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) contacts = [] for contact in response['data']: if 'nickname' in contact: contact['_nickname'] = contact['nickname'] del contact['nickname'] contacts.append(Contact(None, api=False, **contact)) if search is not None: original = contacts contacts = [] for contact in original: for key, val in search.items(): if hasattr(contact, key) and getattr(contact, key) == val: contacts.append(contact) return contacts
[docs]def get_notifiers(search=None): """Return a ``list`` of :class:`` objects. If *search* is specified, then only :class:``'s who match those search criteria will be returned in the list. Otherwise, all :class:``'s will be returned. :param search: A ``dict`` of search criteria. Key's in this ``dict`` much map to an attribute a :class:`` instance and the value mapped to by that key will be used as the search criteria for that key when searching. :return: a ``list`` of :class:`` objects """ uri = '/Notifier/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) notifiers = [] for notifier in response['data']: notifiers.append(Notifier(None, api=False, **notifier)) if search is not None: original = notifiers notifiers = [] for notifier in original: for key, val in search.items(): if hasattr(notifier, key) and getattr(notifier, key) == val: notifiers.append(notifier) return notifiers
[docs]class UpdateUser(object): """:class:`` type objects are a special form of a :class:`` which are tied to a specific Dynamic DNS services. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create an :class:`` object :param user_name: the Username this :class:`` uses or will use to log in to the DynECT System. A :class:``'s `user_name` is required for both creating and getting :class:``'s. :param nickname: When creating a new :class:`` on the DynECT System, this `nickname` will be the System nickname for this :class:`` :param password: When creating a new :class:`` on the DynECT System, this `password` will be the password this :class:`` uses to log into the System """ super(UpdateUser, self).__init__() self.uri = '/UpdateUser/' self._password = self._status = self._user_name = self._nickname = None if 'api' in kwargs: good_args = ('user_name', 'status', 'password') for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in good_args: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self.uri = '/UpdateUser/{}/'.format(self._user_name) elif len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1: self._get(*args, **kwargs) else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, nickname, password): """Create a new :class:`` on the DynECT System """ self._nickname = nickname self._password = password uri = '/UpdateUser/' api_args = {'nickname': self._nickname, 'password': self._password} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/UpdateUser/{}/'.format(self._user_name) def _get(self, user_name): """Get an existing :class:`` from the DynECT System """ self._user_name = user_name self.uri = '/UpdateUser/{}/'.format(self._user_name) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET') self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args=None): response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def user_name(self): """This :class:``'s `user_name`. An :class:``'s user_name is a read-only property which can not be updated after the :class:`UpdateUser` has been created. """ return self._user_name @user_name.setter def user_name(self, value): pass @property def nickname(self): """This :class:``s `nickname`. An :class:``'s `nickname` is a read-only property which can not be updated after the :class:`` has been created. """ return self._nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, value): pass @property def status(self): """The current `status` of an :class:`` will be one of either 'active' or 'blocked'. Blocked :class:``'s are unable to log into the DynECT System, where active :class:``'s are. """ return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): pass @property def password(self): """The current `password` for this :class:``. An :class:``'s `password` may be reassigned. """ if self._password is None or self._password == u'': self._get(self._user_name) return self._password @password.setter def password(self, new_password): """Update this :class:``'s password to be the provided password :param new_password: The new password to use """ api_args = {'password': new_password} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def block(self): """Set the status of this :class:`` to 'blocked'. This will prevent this :class:`` from logging in until they are explicitly unblocked. """ api_args = {'block': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def unblock(self): """Set the status of this :class:`` to 'active'. This will re-enable this :class:`` to be able to login if they were previously blocked. """ api_args = {'unblock': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def sync_password(self): """Pull in this :class:`` current password from the DynECT System, in the unlikely event that this :class:`` object's password may have gotten out of sync """ api_args = {'user_name': self._user_name} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` from the DynECT System. It is important to note that this operation may not be undone. """ DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE')
def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<UpdateUser>: {}').format(self.user_name) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class User(object): """DynECT System User object"""
[docs] def __init__(self, user_name, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`` object :param user_name: This :class:``'s system username; used for logging into the system :param password: Password for this :class:`` account :param email: This :class:``'s Email address :param first_name: This :class:``'s first name :param last_name: This :class:``'s last name :param nickname: The nickname for the `Contact` associated with this :class:`` :param organization: This :class:``'s organization :param phone: This :class:``'s phone number. Can be of the form: (0) ( country-code ) ( local number ) ( extension ) Only the country-code (1-3 digits) and local number (at least 7 digits) are required. The extension can be up to 4 digits. Any non-digits are ignored. :param address: This :class:``'s street address :param address2: This :class:``'s street address, line 2 :param city: This :class:``'s city, part of the user's address :param country: This :class:``'s country, part of the user's address :param fax: This :class:``'s fax number :param notify_email: Email address where this :class:`` should receive notifications :param pager_email: Email address where this :class:`` should receive messages destined for a pager :param post_code: Zip code or Postal code :param group_name: A list of permission groups this :class:`` belongs to :param permission: A list of permissions assigned to this :class:`` :param zone: A list of zones where this :class:``'s permissions apply :param forbid: A list of forbidden permissions for this :class:`` :param status: Current status of this :class:`` :param website: This :class:``'s website """ super(User, self).__init__() self._user_name = user_name self.uri = '/User/{}/'.format(self._user_name) self._permission_report_uri = '/UserPermissionReport/' self._password = self._email = self._first_name = None self._last_name = self._nickname = self._organization = None self._phone = self._address = self._address_2 = self._city = None self._country = self._fax = self._notify_email = None self._pager_email = self._post_code = self._group_name = None self._zone = self._forbid = self._status = None self._website = None self._permission = [] self.permission_groups = [] self.groups = [] if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key != '_user_name': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) else: setattr(self, key, val) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, password, email, first_name, last_name, nickname, organization, phone, address=None, address_2=None, city=None, country=None, fax=None, notify_email=None, pager_email=None, post_code=None, group_name=None, permission=None, zone=None, forbid=None, status=None, website=None): """Create a new :class:`` object on the DynECT System """ api_args = {'password': password, 'email': email, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'nickname': nickname, 'organization': organization, 'phone': phone, 'address': address, 'address_2': address_2, 'city': city, 'country': country, 'fax': fax, 'notify_email': notify_email, 'pager_email': pager_email, 'post_code': post_code, 'group_name': group_name, 'permission': permission, 'zone': zone, 'forbid': forbid, 'website': website} self._password = password self._email = email self._first_name = first_name self._last_name = last_name self._nickname = nickname self._organization = organization self._phone = phone self._address = address self._address_2 = address_2 self._city = city self._country = country self._fax = fax self._notify_email = notify_email self._pager_email = pager_email self._post_code = post_code self._group_name = group_name self._permission = permission self._zone = zone self._forbid = forbid self._status = status self._website = website response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self): """Get an existing :class:`` object from the DynECT System """ api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self._get_permission() def _update_permission(self): api_args = {'user_name': self._user_name} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute( self._permission_report_uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build_permission(response) def _update(self, api_args=None): response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Private build method""" for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _get_permission(self): api_args = {'user_name': self._user_name} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute( self._permission_report_uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build_permission(response) def _build_permission(self, response): self._zone = list() for val in response['data']['allowed']: self._permission.append(val['name']) for zone in val['zone']: if zone['zone_name'] not in self._zone: self._zone.append(zone['zone_name']) @property def user_name(self): """A :class:``'s user_name is a read-only property """ return self._user_name @user_name.setter def user_name(self, value): pass @property def status(self): """A :class:``'s status is a read-only property. To change you must use the :meth:`block`/:meth:`unblock` methods """ return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): pass @property def email(self): """This :class:``'s Email address""" return self._email @email.setter def email(self, value): api_args = {'email': value} self._update(api_args) @property def first_name(self): """This :class:``'s first name""" return self._first_name @first_name.setter def first_name(self, value): api_args = {'first_name': value} self._update(api_args) @property def last_name(self): """This :class:``'s last name""" return self._last_name @last_name.setter def last_name(self, value): api_args = {'last_name': value} self._update(api_args) @property def nickname(self): """The nickname for the `Contact` associated with this :class:``""" return self._nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, value): api_args = {'nickname': value} self._update(api_args) @property def organization(self): """This :class:``'s organization""" return self._organization @organization.setter def organization(self, value): api_args = {'organization': value} self._update(api_args) @property def phone(self): """This :class:``'s phone number. Can be of the form: (0) ( country-code ) ( local number ) ( extension ) Only the country-code (1-3 digits) and local number (at least 7 digits) are required. The extension can be up to 4 digits. Any non-digits are ignored. """ return self._phone @phone.setter def phone(self, value): api_args = {'phone': value} self._update(api_args) @property def address(self): """This :class:``'s street address""" return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): api_args = {'address': value} self._update(api_args) @property def address_2(self): """This :class:``'s street address, line 2""" return self._address_2 @address_2.setter def address_2(self, value): api_args = {'address_2': value} self._update(api_args) @property def city(self): """This :class:``'s city, part of the user's address """ return self._city @city.setter def city(self, value): api_args = {'city': value} self._update(api_args) @property def country(self): """This :class:``'s country, part of the user's address """ return self._country @country.setter def country(self, value): api_args = {'country': value} self._update(api_args) @property def fax(self): """This :class:``'s fax number""" return self._fax @fax.setter def fax(self, value): api_args = {'fax': value} self._update(api_args) @property def notify_email(self): """Email address where this :class:`` should receive notifications """ return self._notify_email @notify_email.setter def notify_email(self, value): api_args = {'notify_email': value} self._update(api_args) @property def pager_email(self): """Email address where this :class:`` should receive messages destined for a pager """ return self._pager_email @pager_email.setter def pager_email(self, value): api_args = {'pager_email': value} self._update(api_args) @property def post_code(self): """This :class:``'s postal code, part of the user's address """ return self._post_code @post_code.setter def post_code(self, value): api_args = {'post_code': value} self._update(api_args) @property def group_name(self): """A list of permission groups this :class:`` belongs to """ return self._group_name @group_name.setter def group_name(self, value): api_args = {'group_name': value} self._update(api_args) @property def permission(self): """A list of permissions assigned to this :class:`` """ return self._permission @permission.setter def permission(self, value): api_args = {'permission': value} self._update(api_args) @property def zone(self): """A list of zones where this :class:``'s permissions apply """ return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, value): api_args = {'zone': value} self._update(api_args) @property def forbid(self): """A list of forbidden permissions for this :class:`` """ return self._forbid @forbid.setter def forbid(self, value): """Apply a new list of forbidden permissions for the :class:`` """ api_args = {'forbid': value} self._update(api_args) @property def website(self): """This :class:``'s website""" return self._website @website.setter def website(self, value): api_args = {'website': value} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def block(self): """Blocks this :class:`` from logging in""" api_args = {'block': 'True'} uri = '/User/{}/'.format(self._user_name) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._status = response['data']['status']
[docs] def unblock(self): """Restores this :class:`` to an active status and re-enables their log-in """ api_args = {'unblock': 'True'} uri = '/User/{}/'.format(self._user_name) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._status = response['data']['status']
[docs] def add_permission(self, permission): """Add individual permissions to this :class:`` :param permission: the permission to add """ if permission not in self._permission: self._permission.append(permission) uri = '/UserPermissionEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST')
[docs] def replace_permission(self, permission=None): """Replaces the list of permissions for this :class:`` :param permissions: A list of permissions. Pass an empty list or omit the argument to clear the list of permissions of the :class:`` """ api_args = {} if permission is not None: api_args['permission'] = permission self._permission = permission else: self._permission = [] uri = '/UserPermissionEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args)
[docs] def delete_permission(self, permission): """Remove this specific permission from the :class:`` :param permission: the permission to remove """ if permission in self._permission: self._permission.remove(permission) uri = '/UserPermissionEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE')
[docs] def add_permissions_group(self, group): """Assigns the permissions group to this :class:`` :param group: the permissions group to add to this :class:`` """ self.permission_groups.append(group) uri = '/UserGroupEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, group) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST')
[docs] def replace_permissions_group(self, groups=None): """Replaces the list of permissions for this :class:`` :param groups: A list of permissions groups. Pass an empty list or omit the argument to clear the list of permissions groups of the :class:`` """ api_args = {} if groups is not None: api_args['groups'] = groups self.groups = groups else: self.groups = [] uri = '/UserGroupEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args)
[docs] def delete_permissions_group(self, group): """Removes the permissions group from the :class:`` :param group: the permissions group to remove from this :class:`` """ if group in self.permission: self.permission_groups.remove(group) uri = '/UserGroupEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, group) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE')
[docs] def add_zone(self, zone, recurse='Y'): """Add individual zones to this :class:`` :param zone: the zone to add :param recurse: determine if permissions should be extended to subzones. """ if self._zone is not None: if zone not in self._zone: uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, zone) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST') else: uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, zone) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST') self._get_permission()
[docs] def replace_zones(self, zones): """Remove this specific zones from the :class:`` :param zones: array of the zones to be updated format must be [{'zone_name':[yourzone], recurse: 'Y'},{ ...}] recurse is optional. """ api_args = {} if zones is not None: api_args['zone'] = zones uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._get_permission()
[docs] def delete_zone(self, zone): """Remove this specific zones from the :class:`` :param zone: the zone to remove """ uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, zone) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE') self._get_permission()
[docs] def add_forbid_rule(self, permission, zone=None): """Adds the forbid rule to the :class:``'s permission group :param permission: the permission to forbid from this :class:`` :param zone: A list of zones where the forbid rule applies """ api_args = {} if zone is not None: api_args['zone'] = zone uri = '/UserForbidEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args)
[docs] def replace_forbid_rules(self, forbid=None): """Replaces the list of forbidden permissions in the :class:``'s permissions group with a new list. :param forbid: A list of rules to replace the forbidden rules on the :class:``'s permission group. If empty or not passed in, the :class:``'s forbid list will be cleared """ api_args = {} if forbid is not None: api_args['forbid'] = forbid uri = '/UserForbidEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args)
[docs] def delete_forbid_rule(self, permission, zone=None): """Removes a forbid permissions rule from the :class:``'s permission group :param permission: permission :param zone: A list of zones where the forbid rule applies """ api_args = {} if zone is not None: api_args['zone'] = zone uri = '/UserForbidEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` from the system""" uri = '/User/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE')
def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<User>: {}').format(self.user_name) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class PermissionsGroup(object): """A DynECT System Permissions Group object"""
[docs] def __init__(self, group_name, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new permissions Group :param group_name: The name of the permission group to update :param description: A description of the permission group :param group_type: The type of the permission group. Valid values: plain or default :param all_users: If 'Y', all current users will be added to the group. Cannot be used if user_name is passed in :param permission: A list of permissions that the group contains :param user_name: A list of users that belong to the permission group :param subgroup: A list of groups that belong to the permission group :param zone: A list of zones where the group's permissions apply """ super(PermissionsGroup, self).__init__() self._group_name = group_name self._description = self._group_type = self._all_users = None self._permission = self._user_name = self._subgroup = self._zone = None self.uri = '/PermissionGroup/{}/'.format(self._group_name) if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, description, group_type=None, all_users=None, permission=None, user_name=None, subgroup=None, zone=None): """Create a new :class:`` on the DynECT System """ self._description = description self._group_type = group_type self._all_users = all_users self._permission = permission self._user_name = user_name self._subgroup = subgroup self._zone = zone api_args = {} # Any fields that were not explicitly set should not be passed through for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if val is not None and not hasattr(val, '__call__') and \ key.startswith('_'): if key is '_group_type': api_args['type'] = val else: api_args[key[1:]] = val uri = '/PermissionGroup/{}/'.format(self._group_name) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): if key == 'type': setattr(self, '_group_type', val) elif key == 'zone': self._zone = [] for zone in val: self._zone.append(zone['zone_name']) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _get(self): """Get an existing :class:`` from the DynECT System """ response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET') for key, val in response['data'].items(): if key == 'type': setattr(self, '_group_type', val) elif key == 'zone': self._zone = [] for zone in val: self._zone.append(zone['zone_name']) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args=None): response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): if key == 'type': setattr(self, '_group_type', val) elif key == 'zone': self._zone = [] for zone in val: self._zone.append(zone['zone_name']) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def group_name(self): """The name of this permission group""" return self._group_name @group_name.setter def group_name(self, value): new_group_name = value api_args = {'new_group_name': new_group_name, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) self._group_name = new_group_name self.uri = '/PermissionGroup/{}/'.format(self._group_name) @property def description(self): """A description of this permission group""" return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value): self._description = value api_args = {'group_name': self._group_name, 'description': self._description} self._update(api_args) @property def group_type(self): """The type of this permission group""" return self._group_type @group_type.setter def group_type(self, value): self._group_type = value api_args = {'type': self._group_type, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) @property def all_users(self): """If 'Y', all current users will be added to the group. Cannot be used if user_name is passed in """ return self._all_users @all_users.setter def all_users(self, value): self._all_users = value api_args = {'all_users': self._all_users, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) @property def permission(self): """A list of permissions that this group contains""" return self._permission @permission.setter def permission(self, value): self._permission = value api_args = {'permission': self._permission, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) @property def user_name(self): """A list of users that belong to the permission group""" return self._user_name @user_name.setter def user_name(self, value): self._user_name = value api_args = {'user_name': self._user_name, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) @property def subgroup(self): """A list of groups that belong to the permission group""" return self._subgroup @subgroup.setter def subgroup(self, value): self._subgroup = value api_args = {'subgroup': self._subgroup, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args) @property def zone(self): """A list of users that belong to the permission group""" return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, value): self._zone = value api_args = {'zone': self._zone, 'group_name': self._group_name} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this permission group""" uri = '/PermissionGroup/{}/'.format(self._group_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE')
[docs] def add_permission(self, permission): """Adds individual permissions to the user :param permission: the permission to add to this user """ uri = '/PermissionGroupPermissionEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._group_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST') self._permission.append(permission)
[docs] def replace_permissions(self, permission=None): """Replaces a list of individual user permissions for the user :param permission: A list of permissions. Pass an empty list or omit the argument to clear the list of permissions of the user """ api_args = {} if permission is not None: api_args['permission'] = permission uri = '/PermissionGroupPermissionEntry/{}/'.format(self._group_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) if permission: self._permission = permission else: self._permission = []
[docs] def remove_permission(self, permission): """Removes the specific permission from the user :param permission: the permission to remove """ uri = '/PermissionGroupPermissionEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._group_name, permission) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE') self._permission.remove(permission)
[docs] def add_zone(self, zone, recurse='Y'): """Add a new Zone to this :class:`` :param zone: The name of the Zone to be added to this :class:`` :param recurse: A flag determining whether or not to add all sub-nodes of a Zone to this :class:`` """ api_args = {'recurse': recurse} uri = '/PermissionGroupZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._group_name, zone) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._zone.append(zone)
[docs] def add_subgroup(self, name): """Add a new Sub group to this :class:`` :param name: The name of the :class:`` to be added to this :class:``'s subgroups """ uri = '/PermissionGroupSubgroupEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._group_name, name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST') self._subgroup.append(name)
[docs] def update_subgroup(self, subgroups): """Update the subgroups under this :class:`` :param subgroups: The subgroups with updated information """ api_args = {'subgroup': subgroups} uri = '/PermissionGroupSubgroupEntry/{}/'.format(self._group_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._subgroup = subgroups
[docs] def delete_subgroup(self, name): """Remove a Subgroup from this :class:`` :param name: The name of the :class:`` to be remoevd from this :class:``'s subgroups """ uri = '/PermissionGroupSubgroupEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._group_name, name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE') self._subgroup.remove(name)
def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<PermissionsGroup>: {}').format(self.group_name) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
class UserZone(object): """A DynECT system UserZoneEntry""" def __init__(self, user_name, zone_name, recurse='Y'): super(UserZone, self).__init__() self._user_name = user_name self._zone_name = zone_name self._recurse = recurse api_args = {'recurse': self._recurse} uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, self._zone_name) respnose = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) for key, val in respnose['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def user_name(self): """User_name property of :class:`` object is read only """ return self._user_name @user_name.setter def user_name(self, value): pass @property def recurse(self): """Indicates whether or not permissions should apply to subnodes of the `zone_name` as well """ return self._recurse @recurse.setter def recurse(self, value): self._recurse = value api_args = {'recurse': self._recurse, 'zone_name': self._zone_name} uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) def update_zones(self, zone=None): """Replacement list zones where the user will now have permissions. Pass an empty list or omit the argument to clear the user's zone permissions :param zone: a list of zone names where the user will now have permissions """ if zone is None: zone = [] api_args = {'zone': []} for zone_data in zone: api_args['zone'].append({'zone_name': zone_data}) uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/'.format(self._user_name) respnose = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) for key, val in respnose['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` object from the DynECT System """ api_args = {'recurse': self.recurse} uri = '/UserZoneEntry/{}/{}/'.format(self._user_name, self._zone_name) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', api_args) def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<UserZone>: {}').format(self.user_name) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class Notifier(object): """DynECT System Notifier"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`` object :param label: The label used to identify this :class:`` :param recipients: List of Recipients attached to this :class:`` :param services: List of services attached to this :class:`` :param notifier_id: The system id of this :class:`` """ super(Notifier, self).__init__() self._label = self._recipients = self._services = None self._notifier_id = self.uri = None if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) elif len(args) + len(kwargs) > 1: self._post(*args, **kwargs) elif len(kwargs) > 0 or 'label' in kwargs: self._post(**kwargs) else: self._get(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, label=None, recipients=None, services=None): """Create a new :class:`` object on the DynECT System """ if label is None: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError uri = '/Notifier/' self._label = label self._recipients = recipients self._services = services response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', self) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) def _get(self, notifier_id): """Get an existing :class:`` object from the DynECT System """ self._notifier_id = notifier_id self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET') self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args=None): response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def notifier_id(self): """The unique System id for this Notifier""" return self._notifier_id @notifier_id.setter def notifier_id(self, value): pass @property def label(self): """The label used to identify this :class:`` """ return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): self._label = value api_args = {'label': self._label} self._update(api_args) @property def recipients(self): """List of Recipients attached to this :class:`` """ return self._recipients @recipients.setter def recipients(self, value): self._recipients = value api_args = {'recipients': self._recipients} self._update(api_args) @property def services(self): """List of services attached to this :class:`` """ return self._services @services.setter def services(self, value): self._services = value api_args = {'services': self._services} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` from the Dynect System """ DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE')
def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<Notifier>: {}').format(self.label) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class Contact(object): """A DynECT System Contact"""
[docs] def __init__(self, nickname, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`` object :param nickname: The nickname for this :class:`` :param email: The :class:``'s email address :param first_name: The :class:``'s first name :param last_name: The :class:``'s last name :param organization: The :class:``'s organization :param phone: The :class:``'s phone number. Can be of the form: ( 0 ) ( country-code ) ( local number ) ( extension ) Only the country-code (1-3 digits) and local number (at least 7 digits) are required. The extension can be up to 4 digits. Any non-digits are ignored. :param address: The :class:``'s street address :param address2: The :class:``'s street address, line 2 :param city: The :class:``'s city, part of the user's address :param country: The :class:``'s country, part of the :class:``'s address :param fax: The :class:``'s fax number :param notify_email: Email address where the :class:`` should receive notifications :param pager_email: Email address where the :class:`` should receive messages destined for a pager :param post_code: Zip code or Postal code :param state: The :class:``'s state, part of the :class:``'s address :param website: The :class:``'s website """ super(Contact, self).__init__() self._nickname = nickname self._email = self._first_name = self._last_name = None self._organization = self._address = self._address_2 = None self._city = self._country = self._fax = self._notify_email = None self._pager_email = self._phone = self._post_code = self._state = None self._website = None self.uri = '/Contact/{}/'.format(self._nickname) if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key != '_nickname': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) else: setattr(self, key, val) self.uri = '/Contact/{}/'.format(self._nickname) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, email, first_name, last_name, organization, address=None, address_2=None, city=None, country=None, fax=None, notify_email=None, pager_email=None, phone=None, post_code=None, state=None, website=None): """Create a new :class:`` on the DynECT System """ self._email = email self._first_name = first_name self._last_name = last_name self._organization = organization self._address = address self._address_2 = address_2 self._city = city self._country = country self._fax = fax self._notify_email = notify_email self._pager_email = pager_email self._phone = phone self._post_code = post_code self._state = state self._website = website response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', self) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self): """Get an existing :class:`` from the DynECT System """ response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET') for key, val in response['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _build(self, data): for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args=None): """Private update method which handles building this :class:`` object from the API JSON respnose """ response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def nickname(self): """This :class:``'s DynECT System Nickname""" return self._nickname @nickname.setter def nickname(self, value): self._nickname = value api_args = {'new_nickname': self._nickname} self._update(api_args) @property def email(self): """This :class:``'s DynECT System Email address """ return self._email @email.setter def email(self, value): self._email = value api_args = {'email': self._email} self._update(api_args) @property def first_name(self): """The first name of this :class:``""" return self._first_name @first_name.setter def first_name(self, value): self._first_name = value api_args = {'first_name': self._first_name} self._update(api_args) @property def last_name(self): """The last name of this :class:``""" return self._last_name @last_name.setter def last_name(self, value): self._last_name = value api_args = {'last_name': self._last_name} self._update(api_args) @property def organization(self): """The organization this :class:`` belongs to within the DynECT System """ return self._organization @organization.setter def organization(self, value): self._organization = value api_args = {'organization': self._organization} self._update(api_args) @property def phone(self): """The phone number associated with this :class:`` """ return self._phone @phone.setter def phone(self, value): self._phone = value api_args = {'phone': self._phone} self._update(api_args) @property def address(self): """This :class:``'s street address""" return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): self._address = value api_args = {'address': self._address} self._update(api_args) @property def address_2(self): """This :class:``'s street address, line 2""" return self._address_2 @address_2.setter def address_2(self, value): self._address_2 = value api_args = {'address_2': self._address_2} self._update(api_args) @property def city(self): """This :class:``'s city""" return self._city @city.setter def city(self, value): self._city = value api_args = {'city': self._city} self._update(api_args) @property def country(self): """This :class:``'s Country""" return self._country @country.setter def country(self, value): self._country = value api_args = {'country': self._country} self._update(api_args) @property def fax(self): """The fax number associated with this :class:`` """ return self._fax @fax.setter def fax(self, value): self._fax = value api_args = {'fax': self._fax} self._update(api_args) @property def notify_email(self): """Email address where this :class:`` should receive notifications """ return self._notify_email @notify_email.setter def notify_email(self, value): self._notify_email = value api_args = {'notify_email': self._notify_email} self._update(api_args) @property def pager_email(self): """Email address where this :class:`` should receive messages destined for a pager """ return self._pager_email @pager_email.setter def pager_email(self, value): self._pager_email = value api_args = {'pager_email': self._pager_email} self._update(api_args) @property def post_code(self): """This :class:``'s postal code, part of the contacts's address """ return self._post_code @post_code.setter def post_code(self, value): self._post_code = value api_args = {'post_code': self._post_code} self._update(api_args) @property def state(self): """This :class:``'s state""" return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): self._state = value api_args = {'state': self._state} self._update(api_args) @property def website(self): """This :class:``'s website""" return self._website @website.setter def website(self, value): self._website = value api_args = {'website': self._website} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` from the Dynect System """ DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE')
def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode('<Contact>: {}').format(self.nickname) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
class IPACL(object): """A scoped IP ACL for logins on a customer""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`` object :param netmasks: a list of netmasks, in CIDR form; no '/' assumes exact address :param active: Whether or not this ACL is active: 'Y' (default) or 'N' :param scope: The scope this :class:`` covers: 'web' (default) or 'api' """ super(IPACL, self).__init__() valid_scope = ['api', 'web'] self._scope = kwargs.get('scope', 'web').lower() if self._scope not in valid_scope: raise Exception('scope can only be: {}'.format(" ".join( valid_scope))) if not isinstance(kwargs.get('netmasks', []), list): raise Exception('Must be list of netmasks.') self._netmasks = " ".join(kwargs.get('netmasks', [])) self._active = kwargs.get('active', 'Y') if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 1 and kwargs['scope']: self._get(scope=self._scope) else: kwargs['netmasks'] = self._netmasks self._post(*args, **kwargs) def _post(self, netmasks=None, active=None, scope=None): """Create a new :class:`` on the DynECT System """ self.uri = '/CustomerIPACL/{}/'.format(self.scope) api_args = {'netmasks': self._netmasks, 'active': self._active} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute( self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self, scope='web'): """Get an existing :class:`` from the DynECT System """ self._scope = scope self.uri = '/CustomerIPACL/{}/'.format(self._scope) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET') self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): for scope in data: if scope['scope'] == self._scope: for key, val in scope.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args=None): """Private update method which handles building this :class:`` object from the API JSON response """ self.uri = '/CustomerIPACL/{}/'.format(self._scope) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute( self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def netmasks(self): """The netmask list of this :class:``""" # return [x for x in (re.split('\r\n| |,', self._netmasks)) if x] @netmasks.setter def netmasks(self, values): if not isinstance(values, list): raise Exception('Must be list of netmasks.') self._netmasks = " ".join(values) api_args = {'netmasks': self._netmasks} self._update(api_args) @property def active(self): """The active status of this :class:``""" return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): self._active = value api_args = {'active': self._active} self._update(api_args) @property def scope(self): """The scope of this :class:``""" return self._scope @scope.setter def scope(self, value): self._scope = value.lower() api_args = {'scope': self._scope} self._update(api_args) def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`` from the Dynect System """ api_args = {'netmasks': '', 'scope': self._scope} DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._netmasks = '' def __str__(self): """Custom str method""" return force_unicode( '<IPACL>: Scope: {}, Active: {}, Netmasks: {}').format( self._scope, self._active, " ".join(self.netmasks)) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())