Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module implements an interface to a DynECT REST Session. It provides
easy access to all other functionality within the dynect library via
methods that return various types of DynECT objects which will provide their
own respective functionality.
import warnings
# API Libs
from dyn.compat import force_unicode
from dyn.core import SessionEngine
from dyn.encrypt import AESCipher
from import (DynectAuthError, DynectCreateError,
                           DynectUpdateError, DynectGetError,
                           DynectDeleteError, DynectQueryTimeout)

[docs]class DynectSession(SessionEngine): """Base object representing a DynectSession Session""" __metakey__ = 'bf7886ea-c61d-40df-8c7b-4241ebed0544' _valid_methods = ('DELETE', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT') uri_root = '/REST'
[docs] def __init__(self, customer, username, password, host='', port=443, ssl=True, api_version='current', auto_auth=True, key=None, history=False, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None): """Initialize a Dynect Rest Session object and store the provided credentials :param host: DynECT API server address :param port: Port to connect to DynECT API server :param ssl: Enable SSL :param api_version: version of the api to use :param customer: DynECT customer name :param username: DynECT Customer's username :param password: User's password :param auto_auth: declare whether or not to automatically log in :param key: A valid AES-256 password encryption key to be used when encrypting your password :param history: A boolean flag determining whether or not you would like to store a record of all API calls made to review later :param proxy_host: A proxy host to utilize :param proxy_port: The port that the proxy is served on :param proxy_user: A username to connect to the proxy with if required :param proxy_pass: A password to connect to the proxy with if required """ super(DynectSession, self).__init__(host, port, ssl, history, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass) self.__cipher = AESCipher(key) self.extra_headers = {'API-Version': api_version} self.customer = customer self.username = username self.password = self.__cipher.encrypt(password) self.connect() if auto_auth: self.authenticate()
def __enter__(self): """Yield this instance as a reference for use within the context block """ yield self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """We don't particularly care about any exceptions that occured within the context block, so ignore them and force a log out, which handles closing the current session. """ self.log_out() def _encrypt(self, data): """Accessible method for subclass to encrypt with existing AESCipher""" return self.__cipher.encrypt(data) def _handle_error(self, uri, method, raw_args): """Handle the processing of a connection error with the api""" # Need to force a re-connect on next execute self._conn.close() self._conn.connect() try: session_check = self.execute('/REST/Session/', 'GET') renew_token = 'login:' in session_check['msgs'][0]['INFO'] except DynectGetError: renew_token = True if renew_token: # Our token is no longer valid because our session was killed self._token = None # Need to get a new Session token self.execute('/REST/Session/', 'POST', self.__auth_data) # Then try the current call again and Specify final as true so # if we fail again we can raise the actual error return self.execute(uri, method, raw_args, final=True) def _process_response(self, response, method, final=False): """Process an API response for failure, incomplete, or success and throw any appropriate errors :param response: the JSON response from the request being processed :param method: the HTTP method :param final: boolean flag representing whether or not to continue polling """ status = response['status'] self.logger.debug(status) if status == 'success': return response elif status == 'failure': msgs = response['msgs'] if method == 'POST' and 'login' in msgs[0]['INFO']: raise DynectAuthError(response['msgs']) if method == 'POST': raise DynectCreateError(response['msgs']) elif method == 'GET': raise DynectGetError(response['msgs']) elif method == 'PUT': raise DynectUpdateError(response['msgs']) else: raise DynectDeleteError(response['msgs']) else: # Status was incomplete job_id = response['job_id'] if not final: response = self.wait_for_job_to_complete(job_id) return self._process_response(response, method, True) else: raise DynectQueryTimeout({})
[docs] def update_password(self, new_password): """Update the current users password :param new_password: The new password to use """ uri = '/Password/' api_args = {'password': new_password} self.execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.password = self.__cipher.encrypt(new_password)
[docs] def user_permissions_report(self, user_name=None): """Returns information regarding the requested user's permission access :param user_name: The user whose permissions will be returned. Defaults to the current user """ api_args = dict() api_args['user_name'] = user_name or self.username uri = '/UserPermissionReport/' response = self.execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) permissions = [] for key, val in response['data'].items(): if key == 'allowed': for permission in val: permissions.append(permission['name']) return permissions
@property def permissions(self): """Permissions of the currently logged in user""" if self._permissions is None: self._permissions = self.user_permissions_report() return self._permissions @permissions.setter def permissions(self, value): pass
[docs] def authenticate(self): """Authenticate to the DynectSession service with the provided credentials """ api_args = {'customer_name': self.customer, 'user_name': self.username, 'password': self.__cipher.decrypt(self.password)} try: response = self.execute('/Session/', 'POST', api_args) except IOError: raise DynectAuthError('Unable to access the API host') if response['status'] != 'success': self.logger.error('An error was encountered authenticating to Dyn') raise DynectAuthError(response['msgs']) else:'DynectSession Authentication Successful')
[docs] def log_out(self): """Log the current session out from the DynECT API system""" self.execute('/Session/', 'DELETE', {}) self.close_session()
@property def __auth_data(self): """A dict of the authdata required to authenticate as this user""" return {'customer_name': self.customer, 'user_name': self.username, 'password': self.__cipher.decrypt(self.password)} def __str__(self): """str override""" header = super(DynectSession, self).__str__() return header + force_unicode(': {}, {}').format(self.customer, self.username)
class DynectMultiSession(DynectSession): def __init__(self, customer, username, password, host='', port=443, ssl=True, api_version='current', auto_auth=True, key=None, history=False, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None): self._open_sessions = [] super(DynectMultiSession, self).__init__(customer, username, password, host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, api_version=api_version, auto_auth=auto_auth, key=key, history=history, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_port, proxy_user=proxy_user, proxy_pass=proxy_pass) self.__add_open_session() def _handle_error(self, uri, method, raw_args): """Handle the processing of a connection error with the api""" # Need to force a re-connect on next execute self._conn.close() self._conn.connect() try: session_check = self.execute('/REST/Session/', 'GET') renew_token = 'login:' in session_check['msgs'][0]['INFO'] except DynectGetError: renew_token = True if renew_token: # Our token is no longer valid because our session was killed self._token = None # Need to get a new Session token self.authenticate() # Then try the current call again and Specify final as true so # if we fail again we can raise the actual error return self.execute(uri, method, raw_args, final=True) def __add_open_session(self): """Add new open session to hash of open sessions""" # Blow away any sessions of the same user/customer. self._open_sessions = [x for x in self._open_sessions if x['user_name'] != self.username or x['customer_name'] != self.customer] self._open_sessions.append({ 'user_name': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'customer_name': self.customer, 'token': self._token }) @property def get_open_sessions(self): return self._open_sessions def set_active_session(self, username, customer=None): """Set the active session from the hash of open sessions""" candidate_session = [open_session for open_session in self._open_sessions if open_session['user_name'] == username] if customer: candidate_session = [c_session for c_session in candidate_session if c_session['customer_name'] == customer] if len(candidate_session) > 1: raise Exception("Could not sensibly determine what to set to\ active. Try Specifying the customer") elif len(candidate_session) == 1: self.username = candidate_session[0]['user_name'] self.password = candidate_session[0]['password'] self.customer = candidate_session[0]['customer_name'] self._token = candidate_session[0]['token'] self.authenticate() else: if customer: raise ValueError("No open sessions for\ customer {0}, user {1}".format( customer, username)) else: raise ValueError("No open sessions for user {0}".format( username)) def new_user_session(self, customer, username, password): """Authenticate a new user""" if not self._open_sessions: raise Exception( 'Session empty, please create new DynectMultiSession') original_username = self.username original_customer = self.customer self.customer = customer self.username = username self.password = self._encrypt(password) self._token = None try: self.authenticate() except DynectAuthError as e: # revert active user session if auth failed self.set_active_session(original_username, customer=original_customer) raise e def authenticate(self): super(DynectMultiSession, self).authenticate() self.__add_open_session() @property def current_open_session(self): return {'customer': self.customer, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'token': self._token, } def log_out_active_session(self): """Log the active session out from the DynECT API system""" if len(self._open_sessions) == 1: self.log_out() return self.execute('/Session/', 'DELETE', {}) self._open_sessions[:] = (s for s in self._open_sessions if s['user_name'] != self.username or s['customer_name'] != self.customer) if len(self._open_sessions) == 1: self.set_active_session(self._open_sessions[0]['user_name']) elif len(self._open_sessions) > 1: warnings.warn("More than one active session remains,\ could not reliably fall back to a \ different session, \ please specify session with \ 'set_active_session()'", RuntimeWarning) self.username = self.password = self.customer = self._token = None def log_out(self): """Log the current session(s) out from the DynECT API system""" for session in self._open_sessions: self.set_active_session(session['user_name'], customer=session['customer_name']) self.execute('/Session/', 'DELETE', {}) self.close_session() self._open_sessions = [] self.username = self.password = self.customer = self._token = None