Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains wrappers for interfacing with every element of a
Traffic Director (DSF) service.
from collections import Iterable
from dyn.compat import force_unicode, string_types
from import APIList, Active
from import DynectInvalidArgumentError
from import (ARecord, AAAARecord, ALIASRecord, CDSRecord,
                            CDNSKEYRecord, CSYNCRecord, CERTRecord,
                            CNAMERecord, DHCIDRecord, DNAMERecord,
                            DNSKEYRecord, DSRecord, KEYRecord, KXRecord,
                            LOCRecord, IPSECKEYRecord, MXRecord, NAPTRRecord,
                            PTRRecord, PXRecord, NSAPRecord, RPRecord,
                            NSRecord, SOARecord, SPFRecord, SRVRecord,
                            TLSARecord, TXTRecord, SSHFPRecord, UNKNOWNRecord)
from import DynectSession
from import Notifier

__author__ = 'jnappi'
__all__ = ['get_all_dsf_services', 'get_all_record_sets',
           'get_all_failover_chains', 'get_all_response_pools',
           'get_all_rulesets', 'get_all_dsf_monitors', 'get_all_records',
           'get_all_notifiers', 'DSFARecord', 'DSFSSHFPRecord', 'get_record',
           'get_record_set', 'get_failover_chain', 'get_response_pool',
           'get_ruleset', 'get_dsf_monitor', 'DSFNotifier', 'DSFAAAARecord',
           'DSFALIASRecord', 'DSFCERTRecord', 'DSFCNAMERecord',
           'DSFDHCIDRecord', 'DSFDNAMERecord', 'DSFDNSKEYRecord',
           'DSFDSRecord', 'DSFKEYRecord', 'DSFKXRecord', 'DSFLOCRecord',
           'DSFIPSECKEYRecord', 'DSFMXRecord', 'DSFNAPTRRecord',
           'DSFPTRRecord', 'DSFPXRecord', 'DSFNSAPRecord', 'DSFRPRecord',
           'DSFNSRecord', 'DSFSPFRecord', 'DSFSRVRecord', 'DSFTXTRecord',
           'DSFRecordSet', 'DSFFailoverChain', 'DSFResponsePool',
           'DSFRuleset', 'DSFMonitorEndpoint', 'DSFMonitor', 'TrafficDirector']

[docs]def get_all_dsf_services(): """:return: A ``list`` of :class:`TrafficDirector` Services""" uri = '/DSF/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) directors = [] for dsf in response['data']: directors.append(TrafficDirector(None, api=False, **dsf)) return directors
[docs]def get_all_notifiers(): """:return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFNotifier` Services""" uri = '/Notifier/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) notifiers = [] for notify in response['data']: notifiers.append(DSFNotifier(None, api=False, **notify)) return notifiers
[docs]def get_all_records(service): """ :param service: a dsf_id string, or :class:`TrafficDirector` :return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFRecord`s from the passed in `service` Warning! This query may take a long time to run with services with many records! """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/'.format(_service_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) record_ids = [record['dsf_record_id'] for record in response['data']] records = list() for record_id in record_ids: uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, record_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) records += _constructor(response['data']) return records
[docs]def get_all_record_sets(service): """:param service: a dsf_id string, or :class:`TrafficDirector` :return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFRecordSets` from the passed in `service` """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}/'.format(_service_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) recordSets = list() for pool in response['data']: recordSets.append( DSFRecordSet(pool.pop('rdata_class'), api=False, **pool)) return recordSets
[docs]def get_all_failover_chains(service): """:param service: a dsf_id string, or :class:`TrafficDirector` :return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFFailoverChains` from the passed in `service` """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/'.format(_service_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) failoverChains = list() for pool in response['data']: failoverChains.append( DSFFailoverChain(pool.pop('label'), api=False, **pool)) return failoverChains
[docs]def get_all_response_pools(service): """:param service: a dsf_id string, or :class:`TrafficDirector` :return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFResponsePools` from the passed in `service` """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/'.format(_service_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) responsePools = list() for pool in response['data']: responsePools.append( DSFResponsePool(pool.pop('label'), api=False, **pool)) return responsePools
[docs]def get_all_rulesets(service): """:param service: a dsf_id string, or :class:`TrafficDirector` :return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFRulesets` from the passed in `service` """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/'.format(_service_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) ruleset = list() for rule in response['data']: ruleset.append(DSFRuleset(rule.pop('label'), api=False, **rule)) return ruleset
[docs]def get_all_dsf_monitors(): """:return: A ``list`` of :class:`DSFMonitor` Services""" uri = '/DSFMonitor/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) mons = [] for dsf in response['data']: mons.append(DSFMonitor(api=False, **dsf)) return mons
def get_record(record_id, service, always_list=False): """ returns :class:`DSFRecord` :param record_id: id of record you wish to pull up :param service: id of service which this record belongs. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object :param always_list: Force the returned record to always be in a list. :return returns single record, unless this is a special record type, then a list is returned """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, record_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) record = _constructor(response['data']) if len(record) > 1 or always_list: return record else: return record[0] def get_record_set(record_set_id, service): """ returns :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param record_set_id: id of record set you wish to pull up :param service: id of service which this record belongs. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object :return returns :class:`DSFRecordSet` Object """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, record_set_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) return DSFRecordSet(response['data'].pop('rdata_class'), api=False, **response['data']) def get_failover_chain(failover_chain_id, service): """ returns :class:`DSFFailoverChain` :param failover_chain_id: id of :class:`DSFFailoverChain` you wish to pull up :param service: id of service which this record belongs. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object :return returns :class:`DSFFailoverChain` Object """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, failover_chain_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) return DSFFailoverChain(response['data'].pop('label'), api=False, **response['data']) def get_response_pool(response_pool_id, service): """ returns :class:`DSFResponsePool` :param response_pool_id: id of :class:`DSFResponsePool` you wish to pull up :param service: id of service which this record belongs. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object :return returns :class:`DSFResponsePool` Object """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, response_pool_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) return DSFResponsePool(response['data'].pop('label'), api=False, **response['data']) def get_ruleset(ruleset_id, service): """ returns :class:`DSFRuleset` :param ruleset_id: id of :class:`DSFRuleset` you wish to pull up :param service: id of service which this record belongs. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object :return returns :class:`DSFRuleset` Object """ _service_id = _check_type(service) uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/{}'.format(_service_id, ruleset_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) return DSFRuleset(response['data'].pop('label'), api=False, **response['data']) def get_dsf_monitor(monitor_id): """ A quick :class:`DSFmonitor` getter, for consistency sake. :param monitor_id: id of :class:`DSFmonitor` you wish to pull up :return returns :class:`DSFmonitor` Object""" uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}'.format(monitor_id) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) return DSFMonitor(api=False, **response['data']) def _check_type(service): if isinstance(service, TrafficDirector): _service_id = service.service_id elif isinstance(service, string_types): _service_id = service else: raise Exception('Value must be string, or TrafficDirector Object') return _service_id def _constructor(record): return_records = [] constructors = {'a': DSFARecord, 'aaaa': DSFAAAARecord, 'alias': DSFALIASRecord, 'cert': DSFCERTRecord, 'cname': DSFCNAMERecord, 'dhcid': DSFDHCIDRecord, 'dname': DSFDNAMERecord, 'dnskey': DSFDNSKEYRecord, 'ds': DSFDSRecord, 'key': DSFKEYRecord, 'kx': DSFKXRecord, 'loc': DSFLOCRecord, 'ipseckey': DSFIPSECKEYRecord, 'mx': DSFMXRecord, 'naptr': DSFNAPTRRecord, 'ptr': DSFPTRRecord, 'px': DSFPXRecord, 'nsap': DSFNSAPRecord, 'rp': DSFRPRecord, 'ns': DSFNSRecord, 'spf': DSFSPFRecord, 'srv': DSFSRVRecord, 'txt': DSFTXTRecord, 'sshfp': DSFSSHFPRecord} rec_type = record['rdata_class'].lower() constructor = constructors[rec_type] rdata_key = 'rdata_{}'.format(rec_type) kws = ('ttl', 'label', 'weight', 'automation', 'endpoints', 'endpoint_up_count', 'eligible', 'dsf_record_id', 'dsf_record_set_id', 'status', 'torpidity', 'service_id') for data in record['rdata']: record_data = data['data'][rdata_key] for kw in kws: record_data[kw] = record[kw] if constructor is DSFSRVRecord: record_data['rr_weight'] = record_data.pop('weight') return_records.append(constructor(**record_data)) return return_records class _DSFRecord(object): """Super Class for DSF Records.""" def __init__(self, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`_DSFRecord` object. :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ self.valid_automation = ('auto', 'auto_down', 'manual') self._label = label self._weight = weight if automation not in self.valid_automation: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('automation', automation, self.valid_automation) self._automation = automation self._endpoints = endpoints self._endpoint_up_count = endpoint_up_count self._eligible = eligible self._service_id = self._dsf_record_set_id = self.uri = None self._dsf_record_id = self._status = self._note = None self._implicitPublish = True for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _post(self, dsf_id, record_set_id, publish=True, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFRecord` on the DynECT System :param dsf_id: The unique system id for the DSF service associated with this :class:`DSFRecord` :param record_set_id: The unique system id for the record set associated with this :class:`DSFRecord` """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._record_set_id = record_set_id self.uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._record_set_id) api_args = {} api_args = self.to_json(skip_svc=True) if publish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self, dsf_id, dsf_record_id): """Get an existing :class:`DSFRecord` from the DynECT System :param dsf_id: The unique system id for the DSF service associated with this :class:`DSFRecord` :param dsf_record_id: The unique system id for the record set associated with this :class:`DSFRecord` """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._dsf_record_id = dsf_record_id self.uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ record_rdata = '{}_rdata'.format( self._record_type.replace('Record', '').replace('DSF', '').lower()) new_api_args = {'rdata': {record_rdata: api_args['rdata']}} if not self._record_type.endswith('Record'): self._record_type += 'Record' if publish and self._implicitPublish: new_api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: new_api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = 'DSFRecord/{}/{}'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', new_api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if new_api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """API call to update non superclass record type parameters :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = 'DSFRecord/{}/{}'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _build(self, data): """Private build method :param data: API Response data """ for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'rdata': for rdata in val: if isinstance(rdata, dict): for rdatas, rdata_data in rdata.items(): # necessary due to unicode! try: for rtype, rdata_v in rdata_data.items(): if rtype == 'rdata_{}'.format( self._rdata_class.lower()): for k, v in rdata_v.items(): setattr(self, '_' + k, v) except: pass else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh() @property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`DSFRecord` """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_id) def add_to_record_set(self, record_set, service=None, publish=True, notes=None): """Creates and links this :class:`DSFRecord` to passed in :class:`DSFRecordSet` Object :param record_set: Can either be the _dsf_record_set_id or a :class:`DSFRecordSet` Object. :param service: Only necessary if record_set is passed in as a string. This can be a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object. or the _service_id :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) :param notes: Optional Zone publish Notes """ if self._dsf_record_id: raise Exception('The record already exists in the system!') if isinstance(record_set, DSFRecordSet): _record_set_id = record_set._dsf_record_set_id _service_id = record_set._service_id elif isinstance(record_set, string_types): if service is None: msg = ('When record_set as a string, you must provide the ' 'service_id as service=') raise Exception(msg) _record_set_id = record_set else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Record Set Type') if service: _service_id = _check_type(service) self._post(_service_id, _record_set_id, publish=True, notes=notes) @property def dsf_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`TrafficDirector` This :class:`DSFRecord` is attached to """ return self._service_id @property def record_id(self): """The unique system id for this :class:`DSFRecord` """ return self._dsf_record_id @property def record_set_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`DSFRecordSet` This :class:`DSFRecord` is attached to """ return self._record_set_id @property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`DSFRecord`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def weight(self): """Weight for this :class:`DSFRecord`""" return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, value): api_args = {'weight': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._weight = value @property def automation(self): """Defines how eligiblity can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' """ return self._automation @automation.setter def automation(self, value): api_args = {'automation': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._automation = value @property def endpoints(self): """Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data """ return self._endpoints @endpoints.setter def endpoints(self, value): api_args = {'endpoints': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._endpoints = value @property def endpoint_up_count(self): """Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' """ return self._endpoint_up_count @endpoint_up_count.setter def endpoint_up_count(self, value): api_args = {'endpoint_up_count': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._endpoint_up_count = value @property def eligible(self): """Indicates whether or not the Record can be served""" return self._eligible @eligible.setter def eligible(self, value): api_args = {'eligible': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._eligible = value @property def status(self): """Status of Record""" self.refresh() return self._status def to_json(self, svc_id=None, skip_svc=False): """Convert this DSFRecord to a json blob""" if self._service_id and not svc_id: svc_id = self._service_id json = {'label': self._label, 'weight': self._weight, 'automation': self._automation, 'endpoints': self._endpoints, 'eligible': self._eligible, 'endpoint_up_count': self._endpoint_up_count} json_blob = {x: json[x] for x in json if json[x] is not None} if hasattr(self, '_record_type'): rdata = self.rdata() outer_key = list(rdata.keys())[0] inner_data = rdata[outer_key] real_data = {x: inner_data[x] for x in inner_data if x not in json_blob and x not in self.__dict__ and x[1:] not in self.__dict__ and inner_data[x] is not None and x != 'record_set_id' and x != 'service_id' and x != 'implicitPublish'} json_blob['rdata'] = {outer_key: real_data} if svc_id and not skip_svc: json_blob['service_id'] = svc_id return json_blob @property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`DSFRecord` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates.""" return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish # NOQA def delete(self, notes=None): """Delete this :class:`DSFRecord` :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes uri = '/DSFRecord/{}/{}'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_id) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs]class DSFARecord(_DSFRecord, ARecord): """An :class:`ARecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFARecord` object :param address: IPv4 address for the record :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFARecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFARecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ ARecord.__init__(self, None, None, address=address, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFARecord'
[docs]class DSFAAAARecord(_DSFRecord, AAAARecord): """An :class:`AAAARecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFAAAARecord` object :param address: IPv6 address for the record :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFAAAARecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFAAAARecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ AAAARecord.__init__(self, None, None, address=address, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFAAAARecord'
[docs]class DSFALIASRecord(_DSFRecord, ALIASRecord): """An :class:`AliasRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alias, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFALIASRecord` object :param alias: alias target name :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFALIASRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFALIASRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ ALIASRecord.__init__(self, None, None, alias=alias, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFALIASRecord'
[docs]class DSFCERTRecord(_DSFRecord, CERTRecord): """An :class:`CERTRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, format, tag, algorithm, certificate, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFCERTRecord` object :param format: Numeric value for the certificate type :param tag: Numeric value for the public key certificate :param algorithm: Public key algorithm number used to generate the certificate :param certificate: The public key certificate :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFCERTRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFCERTRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ CERTRecord.__init__(self, None, None, format=format, tag=tag, algorithm=algorithm, certificate=certificate, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFCERTRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['format', 'tag', 'algorithm', 'certificate'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFCERTRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFCNAMERecord(_DSFRecord, CNAMERecord): """An :class:`CNAMERecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cname, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFCNAMERecord` object :param cname: Hostname :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFCNAMERecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFCNAMERecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ CNAMERecord.__init__(self, None, None, cname=cname, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFCNAMERecord'
[docs]class DSFDHCIDRecord(_DSFRecord, DHCIDRecord): """An :class:`DHCIDRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, digest, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFDHCIDRecord` object :param digest: Base-64 encoded digest of DHCP data :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFDHCIDRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFDHCIDRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ DHCIDRecord.__init__(self, None, None, digest=digest, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFDHCIDRecord'
[docs]class DSFDNAMERecord(_DSFRecord, DNAMERecord): """An :class:`DNAMERecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dname, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFDNAMERecord` object :param dname: Target Hostname :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFDNAMERecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFDNAMERecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ DNAMERecord.__init__(self, None, None, dname=dname, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFDNAMERecord'
[docs]class DSFDNSKEYRecord(_DSFRecord, DNSKEYRecord): """An :class:`DNSKEYRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, protocol, public_key, algorithm=5, flags=256, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFDNSKEYRecord` object :param protocol: Numeric value for protocol :param public_key: The public key for the DNSSEC signed zone :param algorithm: Numeric value representing the public key encryption algorithm which will sign the zone. Must be one of 1 (RSA-MD5), 2 (Diffie-Hellman), 3 (DSA/SHA-1), 4 (Elliptic Curve), or 5 (RSA-SHA-1) :param flags: Numeric value confirming this is the zone's DNSKEY :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFDNSKEYRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFDNSKEYRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ DNSKEYRecord.__init__(self, None, None, protocol=protocol, public_key=public_key, algorithm=algorithm, flags=flags, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFDNSKEYRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['flags', 'algorithm', 'protocol', 'public_key'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFDNSKEYRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFDSRecord(_DSFRecord, DSRecord): """An :class:`DSRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, digest, keytag, algorithm=5, digtype=1, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFDSRecord` object :param digest: The digest in hexadecimal form. 20-byte, hexadecimal-encoded, one-way hash of the DNSKEY record surrounded by parenthesis characters '(' & ')' :param keytag: The digest mechanism to use to verify the digest :param algorithm: Numeric value representing the public key encryption algorithm which will sign the zone. Must be one of 1 (RSA-MD5), 2 (Diffie-Hellman), 3 (DSA/SHA-1), 4 (Elliptic Curve), or 5 (RSA-SHA-1) :param digtype: the digest mechanism to use to verify the digest. Valid values are SHA1, SHA256 :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFDSRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFDSRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ DSRecord.__init__(self, None, None, digest=digest, keytag=keytag, algorithm=algorithm, digtype=digtype, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFDSRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['digest', 'algorithm', 'digtype', 'key_tag'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFDSRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFKEYRecord(_DSFRecord, KEYRecord): """An :class:`KEYRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, algorithm, flags, protocol, public_key, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFKEYRecord` object :param algorithm: Numeric value representing the public key encryption algorithm which will sign the zone. Must be one of 1 (RSA-MD5), 2 (Diffie-Hellman), 3 (DSA/SHA-1), 4 (Elliptic Curve), or 5 (RSA-SHA-1) :param flags: See RFC 2535 for information on KEY record flags :param protocol: Numeric identifier of the protocol for this KEY record :param public_key: The public key for this record :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFKEYRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFKEYRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ KEYRecord.__init__(self, None, None, algorithm=algorithm, flags=flags, protocol=protocol, public_key=public_key, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFKEYRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['flags', 'algorithm', 'protocol', 'public_key'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFKEYRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFKXRecord(_DSFRecord, KXRecord): """An :class:`KXRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, exchange, preference, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFKXRecord` object :param exchange: Hostname that will act as the Key Exchanger. The hostname must have a :class:`CNAMERecord`, an :class:`ARecord` and/or an :class:`AAAARecord` associated with it :param preference: Numeric value for priority usage. Lower value takes precedence over higher value where two records of the same type exist on the zone/node :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFKXRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFKXRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ KXRecord.__init__(self, None, None, exchange=exchange, preference=preference, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFKXRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['preference', 'exchange', ] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFKXRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFLOCRecord(_DSFRecord, LOCRecord): """An :class:`LOCRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, altitude, latitude, longitude, horiz_pre=10000, size=1, vert_pre=10, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFLOCRecord` object :param altitude: Measured in meters above sea level :param horiz_pre: :param latitude: Measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds with N/S indicator for North and South :param longitude: Measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds with E/W indicator for East and West :param size: :param version: :param vert_pre: :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFLOCRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFLOCRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ LOCRecord.__init__(self, None, None, altitude=altitude, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, horiz_pre=horiz_pre, size=size, vert_pre=vert_pre, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFLOCRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['altitude', 'horiz_pre', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'size', 'version', 'vert_pre'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFLOCRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFIPSECKEYRecord(_DSFRecord, IPSECKEYRecord): """An :class:`IPSECKEYRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, precedence, gatetype, algorithm, gateway, public_key, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFIPSECKEYRecord` object :param precedence: Indicates priority among multiple IPSECKEYS. Lower numbers are higher priority :param gatetype: Gateway type. Must be one of 0, 1, 2, or 3 :param algorithm: Public key's cryptographic algorithm and format. Must be one of 0, 1, or 2 :param gateway: Gateway used to create IPsec tunnel. Based on Gateway type :param public_key: Base64 encoding of the public key. Whitespace is allowed :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFIPSECKEYRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFIPSECKEYRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ IPSECKEYRecord.__init__(self, None, None, precedence=precedence, gatetype=gatetype, algorithm=algorithm, gateway=gateway, public_key=public_key, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFIPSECKEYRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['precedence', 'gatetype', 'gateway', 'public_key', ] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFIPSECKEYRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFMXRecord(_DSFRecord, MXRecord): """An :class:`MXRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, exchange, preference=10, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFMXRecord` object :param exchange: Hostname of the server responsible for accepting mail messages in the zone :param preference: Numeric value for priority usage. Lower value takes precedence over higher value where two records of the same type exist on the zone/node. :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFMXRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFMXRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ MXRecord.__init__(self, None, None, exchange=exchange, preference=preference, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFMXRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['exchange', 'preference'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFMXRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFNAPTRRecord(_DSFRecord, NAPTRRecord): """An :class:`NAPTRRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, order, preference, services, regexp, replacement, flags='U', ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFNAPTRRecord` object :param order: Indicates the required priority for processing NAPTR records. Lowest value is used first. :param preference: Indicates priority where two or more NAPTR records have identical order values. Lowest value is used first. :param services: Always starts with "e2u+" (E.164 to URI). After the e2u+ there is a string that defines the type and optionally the subtype of the URI where this :class:`NAPTRRecord` points. :param regexp: The NAPTR record accepts regular expressions :param replacement: The next domain name to find. Only applies if this :class:`NAPTRRecord` is non-terminal. :param flags: Should be the letter "U". This indicates that this NAPTR record terminal :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFNAPTRRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFNAPTRRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ NAPTRRecord.__init__(self, None, None, order=order, preference=preference, services=services, regexp=regexp, replacement=replacement, flags=flags, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFNAPTRRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['order', 'preference', 'flags', 'services', 'regexp', 'replacement'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFNAPTRRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFPTRRecord(_DSFRecord, PTRRecord): """An :class:`PTRRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ptrdname, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFPTRRecord` object :param ptrdname: The hostname where the IP address should be directed :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFPTRRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFPTRRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ PTRRecord.__init__(self, None, None, ptrdname=ptrdname, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFPTRRecord'
[docs]class DSFPXRecord(_DSFRecord, PXRecord): """An :class:`PXRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, preference, map822, mapx400, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFPXRecord` object :param preference: Sets priority for processing records of the same type. Lowest value is processed first. :param map822: mail hostname :param mapx400: The domain name derived from the X.400 part of MCGAM :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFPXRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFPXRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ PXRecord.__init__(self, None, None, preference=preference, map822=map822, mapx400=mapx400, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFPXRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['map822', 'preference', 'mapx400'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFPXRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFNSAPRecord(_DSFRecord, NSAPRecord): """An :class:`NSAPRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nsap, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFNSAPRecord` object :param nsap: Hex-encoded NSAP identifier :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFNSAPRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFNSAPRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ NSAPRecord.__init__(self, None, None, nsap=nsap, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFNSAPRecord'
[docs]class DSFRPRecord(_DSFRecord, RPRecord): """An :class:`RPRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mbox, txtdname, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFRPRecord` object :param mbox: Email address of the Responsible Person. :param txtdname: Hostname where a TXT record exists with more information on the responsible person. :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFRPRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFRPRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ RPRecord.__init__(self, None, None, mbox=mbox, txtdname=txtdname, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFRPRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['mbox', 'txtdname'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFRPRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFNSRecord(_DSFRecord, NSRecord): """An :class:`NSRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nsdname, service_class='', ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFNSRecord` object :param nsdname: Hostname of the authoritative Nameserver for the zone :param service_class: Hostname of the authoritative Nameserver for the zone :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFNSRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFNSRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ NSRecord.__init__(self, None, None, nsdname=nsdname, service_class=service_class, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFNSRecord'
[docs]class DSFSPFRecord(_DSFRecord, SPFRecord): """An :class:`SPFRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, txtdata, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFSPFRecord` object :param txtdata: Free text containing SPF record information :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFSPFRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFSPFRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ SPFRecord.__init__(self, None, None, txtdata=txtdata, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFSPFRecord'
[docs]class DSFSRVRecord(_DSFRecord, SRVRecord): """An :class:`SRVRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, port, priority, target, rr_weight, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFSRVRecord` object :param port: Indicates the port where the service is running :param priority: Numeric value for priority usage. Lower value takes precedence over higher value where two records of the same type exist on the zone/node :param target: The domain name of a host where the service is running on the specified port :param rr_weight: Secondary prioritizing of records to serve. Records of equal priority should be served based on their weight. Higher values are served more often :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFSRVRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFSRVRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ SRVRecord.__init__(self, None, None, port=port, priority=priority, target=target, weight=rr_weight, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFSRVRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['port', 'priority', 'target', 'weight'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFSRVRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFSSHFPRecord(_DSFRecord, SSHFPRecord): """An :class:`SSHFPRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fptype, algorithm, fingerprint, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFSSHFPRecord` object :param algorithm: Numeric value representing the public key encryption algorithm which will sign the zone. :param fptype: FingerPrint Type :param fingerprint: fingerprint value :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFSSHFPRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFSSHFPRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ SSHFPRecord.__init__(self, None, None, algorithm=algorithm, fptype=fptype, fingerprint=fingerprint, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFSSHFPRecord'
def _update_record(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ keys = ['fptype', 'fingerprint', 'algorithm'] self.refresh() for key in keys: if key not in api_args: api_args['rdata'][key] = getattr(self, key) super(DSFSSHFPRecord, self)._update_record(api_args, publish=publish)
[docs]class DSFTXTRecord(_DSFRecord, TXTRecord): """An :class:`TXTRecord` object which is able to store additional data for use by a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. """
[docs] def __init__(self, txtdata, ttl=0, label=None, weight=1, automation='auto', endpoints=None, endpoint_up_count=None, eligible=True, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFTXTRecord` object :param txtdata: Plain text data to be served by this :class:`DSFTXTRecord` :param ttl: TTL for this record :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFTXTRecord` :param weight: Weight for this :class:`DSFTXTRecord` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring. Must be one of 'auto', 'auto_down', or 'manual' :param endpoints: Endpoints are used to determine status, torpidity, and eligible in response to monitor data :param endpoint_up_count: Number of endpoints that must be up for the Record status to be 'up' :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the Record can be served """ TXTRecord.__init__(self, None, None, txtdata=txtdata, ttl=ttl, create=False) _DSFRecord.__init__(self, label, weight, automation, endpoints, endpoint_up_count, eligible, **kwargs) self._record_type = 'DSFTXTRecord'
[docs]class DSFRecordSet(object): """A Collection of DSFRecord Type objects belonging to a :class:`DSFFailoverChain` """
[docs] def __init__(self, rdata_class, label=None, ttl=None, automation=None, serve_count=None, fail_count=None, trouble_count=None, eligible=None, dsf_monitor_id=None, records=None, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`DSFRecordSet` object :param rdata_class: The type of rdata represented by this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param ttl: Default TTL for :class:`DSFRecord`'s within this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring :param serve_count: How many Records to serve out of this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param fail_count: The number of Records that must not be okay before this :class:`DSFRecordSet` becomes ineligible. :param trouble_count: The number of Records that must not be okay before this :class:`DSFRecordSet` becomes in trouble. :param eligible: Indicates whether or not this :class:`DSFRecordSet` can be served. :param dsf_monitor_id: The unique system id of the DSF Monitor attached to this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param records: A list of :class:`DSFRecord`'s within this :class:`DSFRecordSet` :param kwargs: Used for manipulating additional data to be specified by the creation of other system objects. """ super(DSFRecordSet, self).__init__() self._label = label self._rdata_class = rdata_class self._ttl = ttl self._automation = automation self._serve_count = serve_count self._fail_count = fail_count self._trouble_count = trouble_count self._eligible = eligible self._dsf_monitor_id = dsf_monitor_id self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = self._note = None self._implicitPublish = True if records is not None and len(records) > 0 and isinstance(records[0], dict): self._records = [] for record in records: self._records += _constructor(record) else: self._records = records or [] self.uri = self._master_line = self._rdata = self._status = None self._service_id = self._dsf_record_set_id = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key != 'records': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) # If dsf_id and dsf_response_pool_id were specified in kwargs if (self._service_id is not None and self._dsf_record_set_id is not None): self.uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_id)
def _post(self, service_id, publish=True, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFRecordSet` on the DynECT System :param dsf_id: The unique system id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFRecordSet` is attached to """ self._service_id = service_id self.uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {} api_args = self.to_json(skip_svc=True) if self._records: api_args['records'] = [record.to_json(skip_svc=True) for record in self._records] if self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id: api_args[ 'dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id'] = \ self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id if publish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_id) def _get(self, dsf_id, dsf_record_set_id): """Get an existing :class:`DSFRecordSet` from the DynECT System :param dsf_id: The unique system id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFRecordSet` is attached to :param dsf_record_set_id: The unique system id of the DSF Record Set this :class:`DSFRecordSet` is attached to """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._dsf_record_set_id = dsf_record_set_id self.uri = '/DSFRecordSet/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """Private update method""" if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _build(self, data): """Private build method""" if data['records']: self._records = [] for key, val in data.items(): if key != 'records': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) if key == 'records': for record in val: self._records += _constructor(record) def __str__(self): str = list() str.append('RDClass: {}'.format(self.rdata_class)) str.append('Label: {}'.format(self.label)) if self._dsf_record_set_id: str.append('ID: {}'.format(self._dsf_record_set_id)) return '<DSFRecordSet>: {}'.format(', '.join(str)) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh()
@property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note
[docs] def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`DSFRecordSet` """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_id)
[docs] def add_to_failover_chain(self, failover_chain, service=None, publish=True, notes=None): """Creates and links this :class:`DSFRecordSet` to the passed in :class:`DSFFailoverChain` Object :param failover_chain: Can either be the dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id or a :class:`DSFFailoverChain` Object. :param service: Only necessary is rs_chain is passed in as a string. This can be a :class:`TrafficDirector` Object. or the _service_id :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) :param notes: Optional Zone publish Notes """ if isinstance(failover_chain, DSFFailoverChain): _dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = \ failover_chain._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id _service_id = failover_chain._service_id elif isinstance(failover_chain, string_types): if service is None: msg = ('If passing failover_chain as a string, you must ' 'provide the service_id as service=') raise Exception(msg) _dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = failover_chain else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Failover Chain Type') if service: _service_id = _check_type(service) if self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id: raise Exception( 'Records Set already attached to Failover Chain: {}.'.format( self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id)) self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = \ _dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id self._post(_service_id, publish=publish, notes=notes)
@property def records(self): """The ``list`` of :class:`DSFRecord` types that are stored in this :class:`DSFRecordSet` """ return self._records @property def status(self): """The current status of this :class:`DSFRecordSet`""" self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_id) return self._status @property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`DSFRecordSet`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def rdata_class(self): """The rdata property is a read-only attribute""" return self._rdata_class @property def ttl(self): """Default TTL for :class:`DSFRecord`'s within this :class:`DSFRecordSet`""" return self._ttl @ttl.setter def ttl(self, value): api_args = {'ttl': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._ttl = value @property def automation(self): """Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring""" return self._automation @automation.setter def automation(self, value): api_args = {'automation': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._automation = value @property def serve_count(self): """How many Records to serve out of this :class:`DSFRecordSet`""" return self._serve_count @serve_count.setter def serve_count(self, value): api_args = {'serve_count': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._serve_count = value @property def fail_count(self): """The number of Records that must not be okay before this :class:`DSFRecordSet` becomes ineligible. """ return self._fail_count @fail_count.setter def fail_count(self, value): api_args = {'fail_count': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._fail_count = value @property def trouble_count(self): """The number of Records that must not be okay before this :class:`DSFRecordSet` becomes in trouble. """ return self._trouble_count @trouble_count.setter def trouble_count(self, value): api_args = {'trouble_count': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._trouble_count = value @property def eligible(self): """Indicates whether or not this :class:`DSFRecordSet` can be served""" return self._eligible @eligible.setter def eligible(self, value): api_args = {'eligible': value} if self._master_line: api_args['master_line'] = self._master_line else: api_args['rdata'] = self._rdata self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._eligible = value @property def dsf_monitor_id(self): """The unique system id of the DSF Monitor attached to this :class:`DSFRecordSet` """ return self._dsf_monitor_id @dsf_monitor_id.setter def dsf_monitor_id(self, value): """allows you to manually set the monitor_id, Legacy function for backward compatability """ api_args = {'dsf_monitor_id': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._dsf_monitor_id = value
[docs] def set_monitor(self, monitor): """For attaching a :class:`DSFMonitor` to this record_set :param monitor: a :class:`DSFMonitor` or string of the dsf_monitor_id to attach to this record_set """ if isinstance(monitor, DSFMonitor): _monitor_id = monitor._dsf_monitor_id elif isinstance(monitor, string_types): _monitor_id = monitor else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Monitor Type') api_args = {'dsf_monitor_id': _monitor_id} self._update(api_args) self._dsf_monitor_id = _monitor_id
@property def dsf_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`TrafficDirector` This :class:`DSFRecordSet` is attached to """ return self._service_id @property def record_set_id(self): """The unique system id of this :class:`DSFRecordSet`""" return self._dsf_record_set_id @property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`DSFRecordSet` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates. """ return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish
[docs] def to_json(self, svc_id=None, skip_svc=False): """Convert this :class:`DSFRecordSet` to a JSON blob""" if self._service_id and not svc_id: svc_id = self._service_id json_blob = {'rdata_class': self._rdata_class} if svc_id and not skip_svc: json_blob['service_id'] = svc_id if self._label: json_blob['label'] = self._label if self._ttl: json_blob['ttl'] = self._ttl if self._automation: json_blob['automation'] = self._automation if self._serve_count: json_blob['serve_count'] = self._serve_count if self._fail_count: json_blob['fail_count'] = self._fail_count if self._trouble_count: json_blob['trouble_count'] = self._trouble_count if self._eligible: json_blob['eligible'] = self._eligible if self._dsf_monitor_id: json_blob['dsf_monitor_id'] = self._dsf_monitor_id if self._records: json_blob['records'] = [rec.to_json(svc_id) for rec in self._records] else: json_blob['records'] = [] return json_blob
[docs] def delete(self, notes=None): """Delete this :class:`DSFRecordSet` from the Dynect System :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs]class DSFFailoverChain(object): """docstring for DSFFailoverChain"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label=None, core=None, record_sets=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFFailoverChain` object :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` :param core: Indicates whether or not the contained :class:`DSFRecordSets` are core record sets :param record_sets: A list of :class:`DSFRecordSet`'s for this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` """ super(DSFFailoverChain, self).__init__() self._label = label self._core = core self._note = None self._implicitPublish = True if isinstance(record_sets, list) and len(record_sets) > 0 and \ isinstance(record_sets[0], dict): # Clear record sets self._record_sets = [] # Create new record set objects for record_set in record_sets: if 'service_id' in record_set and \ record_set['service_id'] == '': record_set['service_id'] = kwargs['service_id'] self._record_sets.append(DSFRecordSet(**record_set)) else: self._record_sets = record_sets self._service_id = self._dsf_response_pool_id = self.uri = None self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) # If dsf_id and dsf_response_pool_id were specified in kwargs if (self._service_id is not None and self._dsf_response_pool_id is not None): r_pid = self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id self.uri = '/DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/{}/'.format( self._service_id, r_pid)
def _post(self, dsf_id, dsf_response_pool_id, publish=True, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFFailoverChain` on the Dynect System :param dsf_id: The unique system id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` is attached to :param dsf_response_pool_id: The unique system is of the DSF response pool this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` is attached to """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._dsf_response_pool_id = dsf_response_pool_id self.uri = '/DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/{}/'.format( self._service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id ) api_args = {} if self._label: api_args['label'] = self._label if self._core: api_args['core'] = self._core if self._record_sets: api_args['record_sets'] = [set.to_json(skip_svc=True) for set in self._record_sets] if publish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self, dsf_id, dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id): """Retrieve an existing :class:`DSFFailoverChain` from the Dynect System :param dsf_id: The unique system id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` is attached to :param dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id: The unique system id of this :class:`DSFFailoverChain`. """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id = \ dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id self.uri = '/DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/{}/'.format( self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id ) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """API call to update non superclass record type parameters :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = 'DSFRecordSetFailoverChain/{}/{}'.format( self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _build(self, data): """Private build method""" if data['record_sets']: self._record_sets = [] for key, val in data.items(): if key != 'record_sets': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) if key == 'record_sets': for record_set in val: self._record_sets.append(DSFRecordSet(**record_set)) def __str__(self): str = list() str.append('Label: {}'.format(self.label)) if self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id: str.append('ID: {}'.format(self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id)) return "<DSFFailoverChain>: {}".format(', '.join(str)) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh()
@property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note
[docs] def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`DSFFailoverChain` """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id)
[docs] def add_to_response_pool(self, response_pool, service=None, publish=True, notes=None): """Creates and Adds this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` to a :class:`TrafficDirector` service. :param response_pool: Can either be the response_pool_id or a :class:`DSFResponsePool` Object. :param service: Only necessary when response_pool is passed as a string. Can either be the service_id or a :class:`TrafficDirector` :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) :param notes: Optional Zone publish Notes """ if isinstance(response_pool, DSFResponsePool): _response_pool_id = response_pool._dsf_response_pool_id _service_id = response_pool._service_id elif isinstance(response_pool, string_types): if service is None: msg = ('If passing response_pool as a string, you must ' 'provide the service_id as service=') raise Exception(msg) _response_pool_id = response_pool else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Response Pool Type') if service: _service_id = _check_type(service) if self._dsf_response_pool_id: raise Exception( 'Records Set already attached to response pool: {}.'.format( self._dsf_response_pool_id)) self._post(_service_id, _response_pool_id, publish=publish, notes=notes)
@property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`DSFFailoverChain`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def core(self): """Indicates whether or not the contained :class:`DSFRecordSet`'s are core record sets. """ return self._core @core.setter def core(self, value): api_args = {'core': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._core = value @property def record_sets(self): """A list of :class:`DSFRecordSet` connected to this :class:`DSFFailvoerChain` """ return self._record_sets
[docs] def to_json(self, svc_id=None, skip_svc=False): """Convert this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` to a JSON blob""" if self._service_id and not svc_id: svc_id = self._service_id json_blob = {} if svc_id and not skip_svc: json_blob['service_id'] = svc_id if self._label: json_blob['label'] = self._label if self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id: json_blob['dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id'] = \ self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id if self._core: json_blob['core'] = self._core if self.record_sets: json_blob['record_sets'] = [rs.to_json(svc_id) for rs in self.record_sets] return json_blob
@property def dsf_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`TrafficDirector` This :class:`DSFFailoverChain` is attached to """ return self._service_id @property def response_pool_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`DSFResponsePool` this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` is attached to """ return self._dsf_response_pool_id @property def failover_chain_id(self): """The unique system id of this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` """ return self._dsf_record_set_failover_chain_id @property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`DSFFailoverChain` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates. """ return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish
[docs] def delete(self, notes=None): """Delete this :class:`DSFFailoverChain` from the Dynect System :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs]class DSFResponsePool(object): """docstring for DSFResponsePool"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label, core_set_count=1, eligible=True, automation='auto', dsf_ruleset_id=None, index=None, rs_chains=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFResponsePool` object :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFResponsePool` :param core_set_count: If fewer than this number of core record sets are eligible, status will be set to fail :param eligible: Indicates whether or not the :class:`DSFResponsePool` can be served :param automation: Defines how eligible can be changed in response to monitoring :param dsf_ruleset_id: Unique system id of the Ruleset this :class:`DSFResponsePool` is attached to :param index: When specified with dsf_ruleset_id, indicates the position of the :class:`DSFResponsePool` :param rs_chains: A list of :class:`DSFFailoverChain` that are defined for this :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ super(DSFResponsePool, self).__init__() self._label = label self._core_set_count = core_set_count self._eligible = eligible self._automation = automation self._dsf_ruleset_id = dsf_ruleset_id self._dsf_response_pool_id = self._note = None self._index = index self._implicitPublish = True if isinstance(rs_chains, list) and len(rs_chains) > 0 and \ isinstance(rs_chains[0], dict): # Clear Failover Chains self._rs_chains = [] # Create a new FO Chain for each entry returned from API for chain in rs_chains: self._rs_chains.append(DSFFailoverChain(**chain)) else: self._rs_chains = rs_chains self._service_id = self._dsf_response_pool_id = self.uri = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) # If dsf_id and dsf_response_pool_id were specified in kwargs if (self._service_id is not None and self._dsf_response_pool_id is not None): r_pid = self._dsf_response_pool_id self.uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, r_pid)
def _post(self, service_id, publish=True, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFResponsePool` on the DynECT System :param service_id: the id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFResponsePool` is attached to """ self.service_id = service_id uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/'.format(self.service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'N', 'label': self._label, 'core_set_count': self._core_set_count, 'eligible': self._eligible, 'automation': self._automation} if self._dsf_ruleset_id: api_args['dsf_ruleset_id'] = self._dsf_ruleset_id if self._index: api_args['index'] = self._index if self._rs_chains: api_args['rs_chains'] = [chain.to_json(skip_svc=True) for chain in self.rs_chains] if publish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/{}/'.format(self.service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id) def _get(self, service_id, dsf_response_pool_id): """Get an existing :class:`DSFResponsePool` from the DynECT System :param service_id: the id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFResponsePool` is attached to :param dsf_response_pool_id: the id of this :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ self.service_id = service_id self._dsf_response_pool_id = dsf_response_pool_id self.uri = '/DSFResponsePool/{}/{}/'.format(self.service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the :class:`DSFResponsePool` :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = 'DSFResponsePool/{}/{}'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _build(self, data): """Private build method""" if data['rs_chains']: self._rs_chains = [] for key, val in data.items(): if key != 'rs_chains': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) if key == 'rs_chains': for rs_chain in val: self._rs_chains.append(DSFFailoverChain(**rs_chain)) def __str__(self): str = list() str.append('Label: {}'.format(self.label)) if self._dsf_response_pool_id: str.append('ID: {}'.format(self._dsf_response_pool_id)) return "<DSFResponsePool>: {}".format(', '.join(str)) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def create(self, service, publish=True, notes=None): """Adds this :class:`DSFResponsePool` to the passed in :class:`TrafficDirector` :param service: a :class:`TrafficDirector` or id string for the :class:`TrafficDirector` you wish to add this :class:`DSFResponsePool` to. :param publish: publish at execution time. Default = True :param notes: Optional Zone publish Notes """ if self._dsf_response_pool_id: raise Exception('Response Pool Already Exists. ID: {}'.format( self._dsf_response_pool_id)) _service_id = _check_type(service) self._post(_service_id, publish=publish, notes=notes)
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh()
@property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note
[docs] def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id)
@property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`DSFResponsePool`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def core_set_count(self): """If fewer than this number of core record sets are eligible, status will be set to fail """ return self._core_set_count @core_set_count.setter def core_set_count(self, value): api_args = {'core_set_count': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._core_set_count = value @property def eligible(self): """Indicates whether or not the :class:`DSFResponsePool` can be served """ return self._eligible @eligible.setter def eligible(self, value): api_args = {'eligible': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._eligible = value @property def automation(self): """Defines how eligiblity can be changed in response to monitoring""" return self._automation @automation.setter def automation(self, value): api_args = {'automation': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._automation = value @property def ruleset_ids(self): """List of Unique system ids of the :class:`DSFRuleset`s this :class:`DSFResponsePool` is attached to """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_response_pool_id) return [ruleset['dsf_ruleset_id'] for ruleset in self._rulesets] @property def response_pool_id(self): """The Unique system id of this :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ return self._dsf_response_pool_id @property def dsf_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`TrafficDirector` This :class:`DSFResponsePool` is attached to """ return self._service_id @property def failover_chains(self): """A ``list`` of :class:`DSFFailoverChain` that are defined for this :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ return self._rs_chains @property def rs_chains(self): """A ``list`` of :class:`DSFFailoverChain` that are defined for this :class:`DSFResponsePool` (legacy call) """ return self._rs_chains
[docs] def to_json(self, svc_id=None, skip_svc=False): """Convert this :class:`DSFResponsePool` to a JSON blob""" if self._service_id and not svc_id: svc_id = self._service_id rs_json = [rs.to_json(svc_id) for rs in self._rs_chains] json_blob = {'label': self._label, 'eligible': self._eligible, 'core_set_count': self._core_set_count, 'automation': self._automation, 'rs_chains': rs_json} if self._index: json_blob['index'] = self._index if self._dsf_ruleset_id: json_blob['dsf_ruleset_id'] = self._dsf_ruleset_id if svc_id and not skip_svc: json_blob['service_id'] = svc_id return json_blob
@property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`DSFResponsePool` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates. """ return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish
[docs] def delete(self, notes=None): """Delete this :class:`DSFResponsePool` from the DynECT System :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs]class DSFRuleset(object): """docstring for DSFRuleset"""
[docs] def __init__(self, label, criteria_type, response_pools, criteria=None, failover=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DSFRuleset` object :param label: A unique label for this :class:`DSFRuleset` :param criteria_type: A set of rules describing what traffic is applied to the :class:`DSFRuleset` :param criteria: Varied depending on the specified criteria_type :param failover: IP address or Hostname for a last resort failover. :param response_pools: A list of :class:`DSFResponsePool`'s for this :class:`DSFRuleset` """ super(DSFRuleset, self).__init__() self.valid_criteria_types = ('always', 'geoip') self.valid_criteria = {'always': (), 'geoip': ()} self._label = label self._criteria_type = criteria_type self._criteria = criteria self._failover = failover self._ordering = self._note = None self._implicitPublish = True if isinstance(response_pools, list) and len(response_pools) > 0 and \ isinstance(response_pools[0], dict): self._response_pools = [] for pool in response_pools: pool = {x: pool[x] for x in pool if x != 'rulesets'} self._response_pools.append(DSFResponsePool(**pool)) else: self._response_pools = response_pools self._service_id = self._dsf_ruleset_id = self.uri = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) # If dsf_id and dsf_ruleset_id were specified in kwargs if self._service_id is not None and self._dsf_ruleset_id is not None: self.uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id)
def _post(self, dsf_id, publish=True, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFRuleset` on the DynECT System :param dsf_id: the id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFRuleset` is attached to :param publish: Publish at run time. Default is True """ self._service_id = dsf_id uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y', 'label': self._label, 'criteria_type': self._criteria_type, 'criteria': self._criteria} if self._ordering is not None: api_args['ordering'] = self._ordering if self._response_pools: api_args['response_pools'] = [pool.to_json(skip_svc=True) for pool in self.response_pools] if publish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id) def _get(self, dsf_id, dsf_ruleset_id): """Get an existing :class:`DSFRuleset` from the DynECT System :param dsf_id: the id of the DSF service this :class:`DSFRuleset` is attached to :param dsf_ruleset_id: The unique system id of this :class:`DSFRuleset` """ self._service_id = dsf_id self._dsf_ruleset_id = dsf_ruleset_id self.uri = '/DSFRuleset/{}/{}/'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """Make the API call to update the current record type :param api_args: arguments to be pased to the API call """ if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = 'DSFRuleset/{}/{}'.format(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None def _build(self, data): """Private build method""" if data['response_pools']: self._response_pools = [] for key, val in data.items(): if key != 'response_pools': setattr(self, '_' + key, val) if key == 'response_pools': for response_pool in val: self._response_pools.append( DSFResponsePool(**response_pool)) def __str__(self): str = list() str.append('Label: {}'.format(self.label)) if self._dsf_ruleset_id: str.append('ID: {}'.format(self._dsf_ruleset_id)) return "<DSFRuleSet>: {}".format(', '.join(str)) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def add_response_pool(self, response_pool, index=0, publish=True): """Adds passed in :class:`DSFResponsePool` to this :class:`DSFRuleSet`. By default this adds it to the front of the list. :param response_pool: Can either be the response_pool_id or a :class:`DSFResponsePool` Object. :param index: where in the list of response pools to place this pool. 0 is the first position, 0 is the default. :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) """ if isinstance(response_pool, DSFResponsePool): _response_pool_id = response_pool._dsf_response_pool_id elif isinstance(response_pool, string_types): _response_pool_id = response_pool else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Response Pool Type') self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id) api_args = dict() api_args['response_pools'] = list() hit = False for pIndex, old_pool in enumerate(self._response_pools): if pIndex == index: api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': _response_pool_id}) hit = True api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': old_pool._dsf_response_pool_id}) # If the index was greater than what was available, just append to the # end. if not hit: api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': _response_pool_id}) self._update(api_args, publish)
[docs] def remove_response_pool(self, response_pool, publish=True): """Removes passed in :class:`DSFResponsePool` from this :class:`DSFRuleSet` :param response_pool: Can either be the response_pool_id or a `DSFResponsePool` Object. :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) """ if isinstance(response_pool, DSFResponsePool): _response_pool_id = response_pool._dsf_response_pool_id elif isinstance(response_pool, string_types): _response_pool_id = response_pool else: raise Exception('Could not make sense of Response Pool Type') self.refresh() api_args = dict() api_args['response_pools'] = list() system_pool_ids = [pool._dsf_response_pool_id for pool in self._response_pools] for pool_id in system_pool_ids: if pool_id != _response_pool_id: api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': pool_id}) self._update(api_args, publish)
[docs] def add_failover_ip(self, ip, publish=True): """Adds passed in :class:`DSFResponsePool` to the end of this :class:`DSFRuleSet`. This effectively creates a special new Record chain with a single IP. It can be accessed as a responce pool with label equal to the ip passed in. :param publish: Publish on execution (Default = True) """ api_args = dict() api_args['response_pools'] = list() for old_pool in self._response_pools: api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': old_pool._dsf_response_pool_id}) api_args['response_pools'].append({'failover': ip}) self._update(api_args, publish)
[docs] def order_response_pools(self, pool_list, publish=True): """For reordering the ruleset list. simply pass in a ``list`` of :class:`DSFResponcePool`s in the order you wish them to failover. :param pool_list: ordered ``list`` of :class:`DSFResponcePool` :param publish: Publish on execution. default = True """ if not isinstance(pool_list, list): msg = ('You must pass in an ordered list of response pool ' 'objects, or ids.') raise Exception(msg) _pool_list = list() for list_item in pool_list: if isinstance(list_item, DSFResponsePool): _pool_list.append(list_item._dsf_response_pool_id) elif isinstance(list_item, string_types): _pool_list.append(list_item) api_args = dict() api_args['response_pools'] = list() for pool_id in _pool_list: api_args['response_pools'].append( {'dsf_response_pool_id': pool_id}) self._update(api_args, publish)
[docs] def create(self, service, index=None, publish=True, notes=None): """Adds this :class:`DSFRuleset` to the passed in :class:`TrafficDirector` :param service: a :class:`TrafficDirector` or id string for the :class:`TrafficDirector` you wish to add this :class:`DSFRuleset` to. :param index: in what position to serve this ruleset. 0 = first. :param publish: publish at execution time. Default = True :param notes: Optional Zone publish Notes """ if self._dsf_ruleset_id: raise Exception( 'Rule Set Already Exists. ID: {}'.format(self._dsf_ruleset_id)) _service_id = _check_type(service) if index is not None: self._ordering = index self._post(_service_id, publish=publish, notes=notes)
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh()
@property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note
[docs] def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`DSFRuleset` """ self._get(self._service_id, self._dsf_ruleset_id)
@property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`DSFRuleset`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def criteria_type(self): """A set of rules describing what traffic is applied to the :class:`DSFRuleset` """ return self._criteria_type @criteria_type.setter def criteria_type(self, value): api_args = {'criteria_type': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._criteria_type = value @property def criteria(self): """The criteria rules, will be varied depending on the specified criteria_type """ return self._criteria @criteria.setter def criteria(self, value): api_args = dict() if isinstance(value, dict): if value.get('geoip'): for key, val in value['geoip'].items(): if len(val) != 0: api_args['criteria_type'] = 'geoip' api_args['criteria'] = value self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._criteria = value @property def response_pools(self): """A list of :class:`DSFResponsePool`'s for this :class:`DSFRuleset`""" return self._response_pools @property def dsf_id(self): """The unique system id of the :class:`TrafficDirector` This :class:`DSFRuleset` is attached to """ return self._service_id @property def ruleset_id(self): """The unique system id of this :class:`DSFRuleset` """ return self._dsf_ruleset_id @property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`DSFRuleset` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates. """ return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish @property def _json(self, svc_id=None, skip_svc=False): """JSON-ified version of this DSFRuleset Object""" if self._service_id and not svc_id: svc_id = self._service_id pool_json = [pool.to_json(svc_id) for pool in self._response_pools] if self._failover: pool_json.append({'failover': self._failover}) json_blob = {'label': self._label, 'criteria_type': self._criteria_type, 'criteria': self._criteria, 'response_pools': pool_json} if svc_id and not skip_svc: json_blob['service_id'] = svc_id return json_blob
[docs] def delete(self, notes=None): """Remove this :class:`DSFRuleset` from it's associated :class:`TrafficDirector` Service :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
class DSFMonitorEndpoint(object): """An Endpoint object to be passed to a :class:`DSFMonitor`""" def __init__(self, address, label, active='Y', site_prefs=None): """Create a :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` object :param address: The address to monitor. :param label: A label to identify this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint`. :param active: Indicates whether or not this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` endpoint is active. Must be one of True, False, 'Y', or 'N' :param site_prefs: A ``list`` of site codes from which this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` will be monitored """ self._address = address self._label = label self._active = Active(active) self._site_prefs = site_prefs self._monitor = None def _update(self, api_args): """Update this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` with the provided api_args :param api_args: arguments to pass to the API via PUT """ if self._monitor is not None: full_list = self._monitor.endpoints args_list = [] for endpoint in full_list: if id(endpoint) == id(self): args_list.append(api_args) else: args_list.append(endpoint._json) api_args = {'endpoints': args_list} self._monitor._update(api_args) @property def _json(self): """Get the JSON representation of this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` object """ json_blob = {'address': self._address, 'label': self._label, 'active': str(self._active), 'site_prefs': self._site_prefs} return {x: json_blob[x] for x in json_blob if json_blob[x] is not None} @property def active(self): """Indicates if this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` is active. When updating valid arguments are 'Y' or True to activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of this :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint` """ return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): valid_input = ('Y', 'N', True, False) if value not in valid_input: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('active', value, valid_input) api_args = self._json api_args['active'] = value self._update(api_args) @property def label(self): return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = self._json api_args['label'] = value self._update(api_args) @property def address(self): return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): api_args = self._json api_args['address'] = value self._update(api_args) @property def site_prefs(self): return self._site_prefs @site_prefs.setter def site_prefs(self, value): api_args = self._json api_args['site_prefs'] = value self._update(api_args)
[docs]class DSFMonitor(object): """A Monitor for a :class:`TrafficDirector` Service"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`DSFMonitor` object :param label: A unique label to identify this :class:`DSFMonitor` :param protocol: The protocol to monitor. Must be one of 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'PING', 'SMTP', or 'TCP' :param response_count: The number of responses to determine whether or not the endpoint is 'up' or 'down' :param probe_interval: How often to run this :class:`DSFMonitor` :param retries: How many retries this :class:`DSFMonitor` should attempt on failure before giving up. :param active: Indicates if this :class:`DSFMonitor` is active :param options: Additional options pertaining to this :class:`DSFMonitor` :param endpoints: A List of :class:`DSFMonitorEndpoint`'s that are associated with this :class:`DSFMonitor` """ super(DSFMonitor, self).__init__() self.uri = None self._monitor_id = None self._label = self._protocol = self._response_count = None self._probe_interval = self._retries = self._active = None self._options = self._dsf_monitor_id = self._timeout = None self._port = self._path = self._host = self._header = None self._expected = None self._endpoints = [] if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self.uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}/'.format(self._dsf_monitor_id) elif len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1: self._get(*args, **kwargs) else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _get(self, monitor_id): """Get an existing :class:`DSFMonitor` from the DynECT System""" self._monitor_id = monitor_id self.uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}/'.format(self._monitor_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _post(self, label, protocol, response_count, probe_interval, retries, active='Y', timeout=None, port=None, path=None, host=None, header=None, expected=None, endpoints=None): """Create a new :class:`DSFMonitor` on the DynECT System""" uri = '/DSFMonitor/' self._label = label self._protocol = protocol self._response_count = response_count self._probe_interval = probe_interval self._retries = retries self._active = Active(active) self._options = {} if timeout: self._timeout = timeout self._options['timeout'] = timeout if port: self._port = port self._options['port'] = port if path: self._path = path self._options['path'] = path if host: self._host = host self._options['host'] = host if header: self._header = header self._options['header'] = header if expected: self._expected = expected self._options['expected'] = expected self._endpoints = endpoints api_args = {'label': self._label, 'protocol': self._protocol, 'response_count': self._response_count, 'probe_interval': self._probe_interval, 'retries': self._retries, 'active': str(self._active), 'options': self._options} if self._endpoints is not None: api_args['endpoints'] = [x._json for x in self._endpoints] response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}/'.format(self._dsf_monitor_id) def _update(self, api_args): """Private Update method""" self.uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}/'.format(self._dsf_monitor_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Update this object based on the information passed in via data :param data: The ``['data']`` field from an API JSON response """ for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'endpoints': self._endpoints = [] for endpoint in val: ep = DSFMonitorEndpoint(**endpoint) ep._monitor = self self._endpoints.append(ep) elif key == 'active': self._active = Active(val) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def dsf_monitor_id(self): """The unique system id of this :class:`DSFMonitor`""" return self._dsf_monitor_id @dsf_monitor_id.setter def dsf_monitor_id(self, value): pass @property def label(self): """A unique label to identify this :class:`DSFMonitor`""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): self._label = value api_args = {'label': self._label} self._update(api_args) @property def protocol(self): """The protocol to monitor. Must be one of 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'PING', 'SMTP', or 'TCP' """ return self._protocol @protocol.setter def protocol(self, value): self._protocol = value api_args = {'protocol': self._protocol} self._update(api_args) @property def response_count(self): """The minimum number of agents reporting the host as up for failover not to occur. Must be 0, 1 or 2 """ return self._response_count @response_count.setter def response_count(self, value): self._response_count = value api_args = {'response_count': self._response_count} self._update(api_args) @property def probe_interval(self): """How often to run this :class:`DSFMonitor`""" return self._probe_interval @probe_interval.setter def probe_interval(self, value): self._probe_interval = value api_args = {'probe_interval': self._probe_interval} self._update(api_args) @property def retries(self): """How many retries this :class:`DSFMonitor` should attempt on failure before giving up. """ return self._retries @retries.setter def retries(self, value): self._retries = value api_args = {'retries': self._retries} self._update(api_args) @property def active(self): """Returns whether or not this :class:`DSFMonitor` is active. Will return either 'Y' or 'N' """ return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): self._active = value api_args = {'active': self._active} self._update(api_args) @property def endpoints(self): """A list of the endpoints (and their statuses) that this :class:`DSFMonitor` is currently monitoring. """ self._get(self.dsf_monitor_id) return self._endpoints @endpoints.setter def endpoints(self, value): pass @property def options(self): """Additional options pertaining to this :class:`DSFMonitor`""" return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): self._options = value api_args = {'options': self._options} self._update(api_args) def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<DSFMonitor>: {}, ID: {}').format( self._label, self._dsf_monitor_id ) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete an existing :class:`DSFMonitor` from the DynECT System""" api_args = {} self.uri = '/DSFMonitor/{}/'.format(self._dsf_monitor_id) DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
[docs]class DSFNotifier(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a :class:`Notifier` object :param label: :param recipients: ``list`` of Contact Names :param dsf_services: :param monitor_services: """ self._label = self._notifier_id = self._recipients = None self._services = None if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] self._build(kwargs) return if 'td' in kwargs: del kwargs['td'] self._build(kwargs['notifier'], link_id=kwargs['link_id']) return elif len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1: self._get(*args, **kwargs) else: self._post(*args, **kwargs) self.uri = '/Notifier/'
def _post(self, label, dsf_services=None, monitor_services=None, recipients=None): """Create a new :class:`TrafficDirector` on the DynECT System""" uri = '/Notifier/' api_args = {} if recipients: api_args['recipients'] = list() for recipient in recipients: api_args['recipients'].append( {'recipient': recipient, 'format': 'email'}) if dsf_services or monitor_services: api_args['services'] = list() if dsf_services: api_args['services'] += [ {'service_class': 'DSF', 'service_id': service_id} for service_id in dsf_services] if monitor_services: api_args['services'] += [ {'service_class': 'Monitor', 'service_id': service_id} for service_id in monitor_services] self._label = label api_args['label'] = label response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(response['data']['notifier_id']) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self, notifier_id): self._notifier_id = notifier_id self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args): """Private update method""" self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data, link_id=None): for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self._link_id = link_id @property def label(self): return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) self._label = value @property def link_id(self): """ Link ID connecting thie Notifier to TD service """ return self._link_id @property def recipients(self): return self._recipients
[docs] def add_recipient(self, new_recipient, format='email'): recipients = self._recipients for recipient in recipients: recipient.pop('details', None) recipient.pop('features', None) recipients.append({'recipient': new_recipient, 'format': format}) api_args = {'recipients': recipients} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def del_recipient(self, recipient): recipients = [srecipient for srecipient in self._recipients if srecipient['recipient'] != recipient] for recipient in recipients: recipient.pop('details', None) recipient.pop('features', None) api_args = {'recipients': recipients} self._update(api_args)
@property def dsf_service_ids(self): return [service['service_id'] for service in self._services if service['service_class'] == 'DSF'] @property def monitor_service_ids(self): return [service['service_id'] for service in self._services if service['service_class'] == 'Monitor']
[docs] def to_json(self): json_blob = {} if self._label: json_blob['label'] = self._label if self._recipients: json_blob['recipients'] = [recipient['recipient'] for recipient in self._recipients] if self._services: json_blob['dsf_services'] = [dsf['service_id'] for dsf in self._services if dsf['service_class'] == 'DSF'] json_blob['monitor_services'] = [mon['service_id'] for mon in self._services if mon['service_class'] == 'Monitor'] return json_blob
def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<DSFNotifier>: {}, ID: {}').format( self._label, self._notifier_id ) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`DSFNotifier` from the Dynect System """ self.uri = '/Notifier/{}/'.format(self._notifier_id) DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE')
class DSFNode(object): """DSFNode object. Represents a valid fqdn node within a zone. It should be noted that simply creating a :class:`DSFNode` object does not actually create anything on the DynECT System. The only way to actively create a :class:`DSFNode` on the DynECT System is by attaching either a record or a service to it. """ def __init__(self, zone, fqdn=None): """Create a :class:`Node` object :param zone: name of the zone that this Node belongs to :param fqdn: the fully qualified domain name of this zone """ super(DSFNode, self).__init__() = zone self.fqdn = fqdn or + '.' self.records = {} self.recs = {'A': ARecord, 'AAAA': AAAARecord, 'ALIAS': ALIASRecord, 'CDS': CDSRecord, 'CDNSKEY': CDNSKEYRecord, 'CSYNC': CSYNCRecord, 'CERT': CERTRecord, 'CNAME': CNAMERecord, 'DHCID': DHCIDRecord, 'DNAME': DNAMERecord, 'DNSKEY': DNSKEYRecord, 'DS': DSRecord, 'KEY': KEYRecord, 'KX': KXRecord, 'LOC': LOCRecord, 'IPSECKEY': IPSECKEYRecord, 'MX': MXRecord, 'NAPTR': NAPTRRecord, 'PTR': PTRRecord, 'PX': PXRecord, 'NSAP': NSAPRecord, 'RP': RPRecord, 'NS': NSRecord, 'SOA': SOARecord, 'SPF': SPFRecord, 'SRV': SRVRecord, 'TLSA': TLSARecord, 'TXT': TXTRecord, 'SSHFP': SSHFPRecord, 'UNKNOWN': UNKNOWNRecord} def add_record(self, record_type='A', *args, **kwargs): """Adds an a record with the provided data to this :class:`Node` :param record_type: The type of record you would like to add. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :param args: Non-keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor """ # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable rec = self.recs[record_type](, self.fqdn, *args, **kwargs) if record_type in self.records: self.records[record_type].append(rec) else: self.records[record_type] = [rec] return rec def get_all_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all record resources for the specified node and zone combination as well as all records from any Base_Record below that point on the zone hierarchy """ self.records = {} uri = '/AllRecord/{}/'.format( if self.fqdn is not None: uri += '{}/'.format(self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = self.recs[search] except KeyError: constructor = self.recs['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append(constructor(, fqdn, **record)) self.records[key] = list_records return self.records def get_all_records_by_type(self, record_type): """Get a list of all :class:`DNSRecord` of type ``record_type`` which are owned by this node. :param record_type: The type of :class:`DNSRecord` you wish returned. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :return: A list of :class:`DNSRecord`'s """ names = {'A': 'ARecord', 'AAAA': 'AAAARecord', 'CERT': 'CERTRecord', 'CNAME': 'CNAMERecord', 'DHCID': 'DHCIDRecord', 'DNAME': 'DNAMERecord', 'DNSKEY': 'DNSKEYRecord', 'DS': 'DSRecord', 'KEY': 'KEYRecord', 'KX': 'KXRecord', 'LOC': 'LOCRecord', 'IPSECKEY': 'IPSECKEYRecord', 'MX': 'MXRecord', 'NAPTR': 'NAPTRRecord', 'PTR': 'PTRRecord', 'PX': 'PXRecord', 'NSAP': 'NSAPRecord', 'RP': 'RPRecord', 'NS': 'NSRecord', 'SOA': 'SOARecord', 'SPF': 'SPFRecord', 'SRV': 'SRVRecord', 'TLSA': 'TLSARecord', 'TXT': 'TXTRecord', 'SSHFP': 'SSHFPRecord', 'ALIAS': 'ALIASRecord'} constructor = self.recs[record_type] uri = '/{}/{}/{}/'.format(names[record_type],, self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) records = [] for record in response['data']: fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] del record['zone'] # Unpack rdata for key, val in record['rdata'].items(): record[key] = val del record['rdata'] record['create'] = False records.append(constructor(, fqdn, **record)) return records def get_any_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all recs""" if self.fqdn is None: return api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} uri = '/ANYRecord/{}/{}/'.format(, self.fqdn) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = self.recs[search] except KeyError: constructor = self.recs['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append( constructor(, self.fqdn, **record)) self.records[key] = list_records return self.records def delete(self): """Delete this node, any records within this node, and any nodes underneath this node """ uri = '/Node/{}/{}'.format(, self.fqdn) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', {}) def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<DSFNode>: {}').format(self.fqdn) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class TrafficDirector(object): """Traffic Director is a DNS based traffic routing and load balancing service that is Geolocation aware and can support failover by monitoring endpoints. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`TrafficDirector` object :param label: A unique label for this :class:`TrafficDirector` service :param ttl: The default TTL to be used across this service :param publish: If Y, service will be published on creation :param notes: Optional Publish Zone Notes. :param nodes: A Node Object, a zone, FQDN pair in a hash, or a list containing those two things (can be mixed) that are to be linked to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service: :param notifiers: A list of notifier ids associated with this :class:`TrafficDirector` service :param rulesets: A list of :class:`DSFRulesets` that are defined for this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ super(TrafficDirector, self).__init__() self._label = self._ttl = self._publish = self._response_pools = None self._record_sets = self.uri = self._service_id = None self._notifiers = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'notifiers') self._nodes = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'nodes') self._rulesets = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'rulesets') self._note = None self._implicitPublish = True if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] self._build(kwargs) elif len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1: self._get(*args, **kwargs) else: self._post(*args, **kwargs) self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) self._rulesets.uri = self.uri
def _post(self, label, ttl=None, publish='Y', nodes=None, notifiers=None, rulesets=None, notes=None): """Create a new :class:`TrafficDirector` on the DynECT System""" uri = '/DSF/' self._label = label self._ttl = ttl self._nodes = nodes self._notifiers = notifiers self._rulesets = rulesets api_args = {'label': self._label, 'publish': publish, 'notes': notes} if ttl: api_args['ttl'] = self._ttl if nodes: _nodeList = [] if isinstance(nodes, list): for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, DSFNode) or\ type(node).__name__ == 'Node': _nodeList.append( {'zone':, 'fqdn': node.fqdn}) elif isinstance(node, dict): _nodeList.append(node) elif isinstance(nodes, dict): _nodeList.append(nodes) elif isinstance(nodes, DSFNode) or type(nodes).__name__ == 'Node': _nodeList.append({'zone':, 'fqdn': nodes.fqdn}) self._nodes = _nodeList api_args['nodes'] = self._nodes if notifiers: api_args['notifiers'] = [] for notifier in notifiers: if isinstance(notifier, DSFNotifier): api_args['notifiers'].append( {'notifier_id': notifier._notifier_id}) elif isinstance(notifier, Notifier): api_args['notifiers'].append( {'notifier_id': notifier._notifier_id}) elif isinstance(notifier, string_types): api_args['notifiers'].append({'notifier_id': notifier}) else: msg = ('notifiers must be a list containing DSFNotifier ' 'objects, or notifier_id strings.') raise Exception(msg) if rulesets: api_args['rulesets'] = [rule._json for rule in self._rulesets] response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(response['data']['service_id']) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'notifiers': self._notifiers = [] for notifier in val: self._notifiers.append( DSFNotifier(None, td=False, **notifier)) elif key == 'rulesets': # Clear Rulesets self._rulesets = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'rulesets') self._rulesets.uri = None # For each Ruleset returned, create a new DSFRuleset object for ruleset in val: self._rulesets.append(DSFRuleset(**ruleset)) elif key == 'nodes': # nodes are now returned as Node Objects self._nodes = [DSFNode(node['zone'], node['fqdn']) for node in val] else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) self._rulesets.uri = self.uri def _get(self, service_id): """Get an existing :class:`TrafficDirector` from the DynECT System""" self._service_id = service_id self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'pending_changes': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, publish=True): """Private update method""" if publish and self._implicitPublish: api_args['publish'] = 'Y' if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) # We hose the note if a publish was requested if api_args.get('publish', None): if api_args.get('publish') == 'Y': self._note = None
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Publish changes to :class:`TrafficDirector`. :param notes: Optional Note that will be added to the zone notes of zones attached to this service. """ uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {'publish': 'Y'} if self._note: api_args['notes'] = self._note self._note = None # if notes are passed in, we override. if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self.refresh()
@property def publish_note(self): """Returns Current Publish Note, which will be used on the next publish action""" return self._note @publish_note.setter def publish_note(self, note): """Adds this note to the next action which also performs a publish """ self._note = note
[docs] def refresh(self): """Pulls data down from Dynect System and repopulates :class:`TrafficDirector` """ self._get(self._service_id)
@property def all_records(self): """Returns All :class:`DSFRecord` in :class:`TrafficDirector`""" return get_all_records(self) @property def all_record_sets(self): """Returns All :class:`DSFRecordSet` in :class:`TrafficDirector`""" return get_all_record_sets(self) @property def all_failover_chains(self): """Returns All :class:`DSFFailoverChain` in :class:`TrafficDirector`""" return get_all_failover_chains(self) @property def all_response_pools(self): """Returns All :class:`DSFResponsePool` in :class:`TrafficDirector`""" return get_all_response_pools(self) @property def all_rulesets(self): """Returns All :class:`DSFRuleset` in :class:`TrafficDirector`""" return get_all_rulesets(self)
[docs] def revert_changes(self): """Clears the changeset for this service and reverts all non-published changes to their original state """ api_args = {'revert': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def add_notifier(self, notifier, notes=None): """Links the :class:`DSFNotifier` with the specified id to this Traffic Director service, Accepts :class:`DSFNotifier` or :class:`Notifier` or the notifier public id. """ if isinstance(notifier, DSFNotifier): _notifier_id = notifier._notifier_id elif isinstance(notifier, Notifier): _notifier_id = notifier._notifier_id elif isinstance(notifier, string_types): _notifier_id = notifier else: msg = ('Cannot sensibly determine Notifier type, must be ' 'DSFNotifier, or notifier_id string') raise Exception(msg) api_args = {'add_notifier': True, 'notifier_id': _notifier_id} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes self._update(api_args)
[docs] def del_notifier(self, notifier, notes=None): """delinks the :class:`DSFNotifier` with the specified id to this Traffic Director service. Accepts :class:`DSFNotifier` or :class:`Notifier`. """ if isinstance(notifier, DSFNotifier): _link_id = notifier._link_id elif isinstance(notifier, Notifier): _link_id = notifier._link_id else: raise Exception("Cannot sensibly determine Notifier type,\ must be DSFNotifier, or notifier_id string") api_args = {'remove_notifier': True, 'link_id': _link_id} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes self._update(api_args)
[docs] def remove_orphans(self): """Remove Record Set Chains which are no longer referenced by a :class:`DSFResponsePool` """ api_args = {'remove_orphans': 'Y'} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def replace_all_rulesets(self, rulesets): """This request will replace all rulesets with a new list of rulesets. :param rulesets: a list of rulesets :class:DSFRuleset to be published to the service Warning! This call takes extra time as it is several api calls. """ if isinstance(rulesets, Iterable) and isinstance(rulesets[0], DSFRuleset): old_rulesets = self.all_rulesets for old_rule in old_rulesets: old_rule.delete() for new_rule in rulesets: new_rule._dsf_ruleset_id = None new_rule.create(self) else: raise Exception( "rulesets parameter must be a list of DSFRuleset objects")
[docs] def replace_one_ruleset(self, ruleset): """This request will replace a single ruleset and maintain the order of the list. Warning! This call takes extra time as it is several api calls. :param ruleset: A single object of :class:DSFRuleset` The replacement is keyed by the DSFRuleset label value. """ if isinstance(ruleset, DSFRuleset): old_rulesets = self.all_rulesets old_rule = None rule_index = 0 for rule in old_rulesets: if rule.label == ruleset.label: old_rule = rule rule_index += 1 break rule_index += 1 if old_rule is not None: old_rule.delete() ruleset._dsf_ruleset_id = None ruleset.create(self, index=rule_index) else: ruleset.create(self) else: msg = ('rulesets parameter must be a single object of class ' 'DSFRuleset') raise Exception(msg)
@property def service_id(self): """The unique System id of this DSF Service""" return self._service_id @property def records(self): """A list of this :class:`TrafficDirector` Services' DSFRecords""" self.refresh() return [record for ruleset in self._rulesets for response_pool in ruleset.response_pools for rs_chains in response_pool.rs_chains for record_set in rs_chains.record_sets for record in record_set.records] @records.setter def records(self, value): pass @property def record_sets(self): """A list of this :class:`TrafficDirector` Services :class:`DSFRecordSet`'s """ self.refresh() return [record_set for ruleset in self._rulesets for response_pool in ruleset.response_pools for rs_chains in response_pool.rs_chains for record_set in rs_chains.record_sets] @record_sets.setter def record_sets(self, value): pass @property def response_pools(self): """A list of this :class:`TrafficDirector` Services :class:`DSFResponsePool`'s """ self.refresh() return [response_pool for ruleset in self._rulesets for response_pool in ruleset.response_pools] @response_pools.setter def response_pools(self, value): pass @property def failover_chains(self): """A list of this :class:`TrafficDirector` Services :class:`DSFFailoverChain`'s """ self.refresh() return [rs_chains for ruleset in self._rulesets for response_pool in ruleset.response_pools for rs_chains in response_pool.rs_chains] @failover_chains.setter def failover_chains(self, value): pass @property def notifiers(self): """A list of names of :class:`DSFNotifier` associated with this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ self.refresh() return self._notifiers @property def rulesets(self): """A list of :class:`DSFRulesets` that are defined for this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ self.refresh() return self._rulesets @rulesets.setter def rulesets(self, value): if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList): self._rulesets = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'rulesets', None, value) elif isinstance(value, APIList): self._rulesets = value self._rulesets.uri = self.uri
[docs] def order_rulesets(self, ruleset_list, publish=True): """For reordering the ruleset list. simply pass in a ``list`` of :class:`DSFRulesets`s in the order you wish them to be served. :param ruleset_list: ordered ``list`` of :class:`DSFRulesets` :param publish: Publish on execution. default = True """ if not isinstance(ruleset_list, list): msg = ('You must pass in an ordered list of response pool ' 'objects, or ids.') raise Exception(msg) _ruleset_list = list() for list_item in ruleset_list: if isinstance(list_item, DSFRuleset): _ruleset_list.append(list_item._dsf_ruleset_id) elif isinstance(list_item, string_types): _ruleset_list.append(list_item) api_args = dict() api_args['rulesets'] = list() for ruleset_id in _ruleset_list: api_args['rulesets'].append({'dsf_ruleset_id': ruleset_id}) self._update(api_args, publish)
@property def node_objects(self): """A list of :class:`DSFNode` Objects that are linked to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ uri = '/DSFNode/{}'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) self._nodes = [DSFNode(node['zone'], node['fqdn']) for node in response['data']] return self._nodes nodeObjects = node_objects @property def nodes(self): """A list of hashes of zones, fqdn for each DSF node that is linked to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service""" uri = '/DSFNode/{}'.format(self._service_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) self._nodes = [DSFNode(node['zone'], node['fqdn']) for node in response['data']] return [{'zone': node['zone'], 'fqdn': node['fqdn']} for node in response['data']] @nodes.setter def nodes(self, nodes): """A :class:`DSFNode` Object, a Zone & FQDN pair in a hash, or a list containing those two things (can be mixed) that are to be linked to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service. This overwrites whatever nodes are already linked to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ _nodeList = [] if isinstance(nodes, list): for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, DSFNode) or type(node).__name__ == 'Node': _nodeList.append({'zone':, 'fqdn': node.fqdn}) elif isinstance(node, dict): _nodeList.append(node) elif isinstance(nodes, dict): _nodeList.append(nodes) elif isinstance(nodes, DSFNode) or type(nodes).__name__ == 'Node': _nodeList.append({'zone':, 'fqdn': nodes.fqdn}) uri = '/DSFNode/{}'.format(self._service_id) publish = "Y" if self._implicitPublish else "N" api_args = {'nodes': _nodeList, 'publish': publish} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._nodes = [DSFNode(node['zone'], node['fqdn']) for node in response['data']]
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """A :class:`DSFNode` object, or a zone, FQDN pair in a hash to be added to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ if isinstance(node, DSFNode) or type(node).__name__ == 'Node': _node = {'zone':, 'fqdn': node.fqdn} elif isinstance(node, dict): _node = node uri = '/DSFNode/{}'.format(self._service_id) publish = "Y" if self._implicitPublish else "N" api_args = {'node': _node, 'publish': publish} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._nodes = [DSFNode(nd['zone'], nd['fqdn']) for nd in response['data']]
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """A :class:`DSFNode` object, or a zone, FQDN pair in a hash to be removed to this :class:`TrafficDirector` service """ if isinstance(node, DSFNode) or type(node).__name__ == 'Node': _node = {'zone':, 'fqdn': node.fqdn} elif isinstance(node, dict): _node = node uri = '/DSFNode/{}'.format(self._service_id) publish = "Y" if self._implicitPublish else "N" api_args = {'node': _node, 'publish': publish} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', api_args) self._nodes = [DSFNode(nd['zone'], nd['fqdn']) for nd in response['data']]
@property def label(self): """A unique label for this :class:`TrafficDirector` service""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): api_args = {'label': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._label = value @property def ttl(self): """The default TTL to be used across this service""" if not isinstance(self._ttl, int): self._ttl = int(self._ttl) return self._ttl @ttl.setter def ttl(self, value): api_args = {'ttl': value} self._update(api_args) if self._implicitPublish: self._ttl = value @property def implicit_publish(self): """Toggle for this specific :class:`TrafficDirector` for turning on and off implicit Publishing for record Updates. """ return self._implicitPublish @implicit_publish.setter def implicit_publish(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise Exception('Value must be True or False') self._implicitPublish = value implicitPublish = implicit_publish
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`TrafficDirector` from the DynECT System :param notes: Optional zone publish notes """ api_args = {} self.uri = '/DSF/{}/'.format(self._service_id) DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<TrafficDirector>: {}, ID: {}').format( self._label, self._service_id) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())