Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module implements an interface to a DynECT REST Session. It provides
easy access to all other functionality within the dynect library via
methods that return various types of DynECT objects which will provide their
own respective functionality.
import locale
# API Libs
from dyn.core import SessionEngine
from dyn.compat import urlencode, pathname2url, json, prepare_for_loads
from import (EmailKeyError, EmailInvalidArgumentError,

__author__ = 'jnappi'

[docs]class MMSession(SessionEngine): """Base object representing a Message Management API Session""" __metakey__ = 'a577c742-6dce-49ae-9b1f-dce6477fa646' _valid_methods = ('GET', 'POST') uri_root = '/rest/json'
[docs] def __init__(self, apikey, host='', port=443, ssl=True, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None): """Initialize a Dynect Rest Session object and store the provided credentials :param host: DynECT API server address :param port: Port to connect to DynECT API server :param ssl: Enable SSL :param apikey: your unique Email API key :param proxy_host: A proxy host to utilize :param proxy_port: The port that the proxy is served on :param proxy_user: A username to connect to the proxy with if required :param proxy_pass: A password to connect to the proxy with if required """ super(MMSession, self).__init__(host, port, ssl, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass) self.apikey = apikey self.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' self._conn = None self._encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[-1] or 'UTF-8' self.connect()
def _prepare_arguments(self, args, method, uri): """Prepare MM arguments which need to be packaged differently depending on the specified HTTP method """ args, content, uri = super(MMSession, self)._prepare_arguments(args, method, uri) if 'apikey' not in args: args['apikey'] = self.apikey if method == 'GET': if '%' not in uri: uri = pathname2url(uri) uri = '?'.join([uri, urlencode(args)]) return {}, '{}', uri return args, urlencode(args), uri def _handle_response(self, response, uri, method, raw_args, final): """Handle the processing of the API's response""" body = ret_val = json.loads(prepare_for_loads(body, self._encoding)) return self._process_response(ret_val['response'], method, final) def _process_response(self, response, method, final=False): """Process an API response for failure, incomplete, or success and throw any appropriate errors :param response: the JSON response from the request being processed """ status = response['status'] reason = response['message'] self.logger.debug(status) if status == 200: return response['data'] elif status == 451: raise EmailKeyError(reason) elif status == 452: raise EmailInvalidArgumentError(reason) elif status == 453: raise EmailObjectError(reason)