Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from dyn.compat import force_unicode
from import Active
from import DynectSession

__author__ = 'jnappi'
__all__ = ['ReverseDNS']

[docs]class ReverseDNS(object): """A DynECT ReverseDNS service"""
[docs] def __init__(self, zone, fqdn, *args, **kwargs): """Create an new :class:`ReverseDNS` object instance :param zone: The zone under which this service will be attached :param fqdn: The fqdn where this service will be located :param hosts: A list of Hostnames of the zones where you want to track records :param netmask: A netmask to match A/AAAA rdata against. Matched records will get PTR records, any others won't :param ttl: TTL for the created PTR records. May be omitted, explicitly specified, set to 'default', or 'match' :param record_types: A list of which type of records this service will track. Note: Both A and AAAA can not be monitored by the same service """ super(ReverseDNS, self).__init__() self._zone = zone self._fqdn = fqdn self.valid_record_types = ('A', 'AAAA', 'DynA', 'DynAAAA') self._hosts = self._netmask = self._ttl = self._record_types = None self._iptrack_id = self.uri = self._active = None if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) elif len(args) + len(kwargs) == 1: self._get(*args, **kwargs) else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _post(self, hosts, netmask, ttl='default', record_types=None): """Create a new ReverseDNS Service on the DynECT System""" self._hosts = hosts self._netmask = netmask self._ttl = ttl self._record_types = [] if record_types is None: record_types = ['A'] for record_type in record_types: if record_type in self.valid_record_types: self._record_types.append(record_type) api_args = {'record_types': self._record_types, 'hosts': self._hosts, 'netmask': self._netmask} if ttl is not None: api_args['ttl'] = self._ttl uri = '/IPTrack/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/IPTrack/{}/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn, self._iptrack_id) def _get(self, service_id): """Build an object around an existing DynECT ReverseDNS Service""" self._iptrack_id = service_id uri = '/IPTrack/{}/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn, self._iptrack_id) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) self.uri = '/IPTrack/{}/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn, self._iptrack_id) def _update(self, api_args): """Update this object by making a PUT API call with the provided api_args """ response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Build this object based on the data contained in an API response""" for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'active': self._active = Active(val) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def zone(self): """The zone that this ReverseDNS Service is attached to is a read-only attribute """ return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, value): pass @property def fqdn(self): """The fqdn that this ReverseDNS Service is attached to is a read-only attribute """ return self._fqdn @fqdn.setter def fqdn(self, value): pass @property def active(self): """Indicates whether or not the service is active. When setting directly, rather than using activate/deactivate valid arguments are 'Y' or True to activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. Note: If your service is already active and you try to activate it, nothing will happen. And vice versa for deactivation. :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of this :class:`ReverseDNS` Service """ return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): deactivate = ('N', False) activate = ('Y', True) if value in deactivate and self.deactivate() elif value in activate and not self.activate() @property def iptrack_id(self): """The unique System id for this service. This is a read-only property. """ return self._iptrack_id @iptrack_id.setter def iptrack_id(self, value): pass @property def record_types(self): """Types of records to track""" return self._record_types @record_types.setter def record_types(self, value): self._record_types = value api_args = {'record_types': self._record_types, 'hosts': self._hosts} self._update(api_args) @property def hosts(self): """Hostnames of zones in your account where you want to track records """ return self._hosts @hosts.setter def hosts(self, value): self._hosts = value api_args = {'record_types': self._record_types, 'hosts': self._hosts} self._update(api_args) @property def ttl(self): """TTL for the created PTR records. Omit to use zone default""" return int(self._ttl) @ttl.setter def ttl(self, value): self._ttl = value api_args = {'record_types': self._record_types, 'hosts': self._hosts, 'ttl': self._ttl} self._update(api_args) @property def netmask(self): """A netmask to match A/AAAA rdata against. Matched records will get PTR records, any others won't """ return self._netmask @netmask.setter def netmask(self, value): self._netmask = value api_args = {'record_types': self._record_types, 'hosts': self._hosts, 'netmask': self._netmask} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def activate(self): """Activate this ReverseDNS service""" api_args = {'activate': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Deactivate this ReverseDNS service""" api_args = {'deactivate': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this ReverseDNS service from the DynECT System""" api_args = {} DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<ReverseDNS>: {}').format(self._fqdn) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())