4.1. Authentication¶
The session
module is an interface to authentication via the
dyn.tm REST API. As noted in the advanced section, DynectSession
are implemented as Singleton types, which means that, in most cases, you don’t need to keep track
of your DynectSession
instances after you create them. However,
there are several examples of ways in which you can use these session instances which
will be outlined below.
(customer, username, password, host='api.dynect.net', port=443, ssl=True, api_version='current', auto_auth=True, key=None, history=False, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None)[source]¶ Base object representing a DynectSession Session
(customer, username, password, host='api.dynect.net', port=443, ssl=True, api_version='current', auto_auth=True, key=None, history=False, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None)[source]¶ Initialize a Dynect Rest Session object and store the provided credentials
Parameters: - host – DynECT API server address
- port – Port to connect to DynECT API server
- ssl – Enable SSL
- api_version – version of the api to use
- customer – DynECT customer name
- username – DynECT Customer’s username
- password – User’s password
- auto_auth – declare whether or not to automatically log in
- key – A valid AES-256 password encryption key to be used when encrypting your password
- history – A boolean flag determining whether or not you would like to store a record of all API calls made to review later
- proxy_host – A proxy host to utilize
- proxy_port – The port that the proxy is served on
- proxy_user – A username to connect to the proxy with if required
- proxy_pass – A password to connect to the proxy with if required
¶ Permissions of the currently logged in user
(new_password)[source]¶ Update the current users password
Parameters: new_password – The new password to use
= '/REST'¶
4.1.1. The Basics¶
For basic usage, you need not do anything more than simply
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password')
4.1.2. Permissions¶
Using a DynectSession
instance, you can also verify
the current permissions associated with your session by simply checking the
permissions property of your DynectSession
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> s = DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password')
>>> s.permissions
[u'ZoneGet', u'ZoneUpdate', u'ZoneCreate', u'ZoneDelete', ...
4.1.3. Additional Features¶
The majority of these features exist mainly to provide a cleaner interface to working with sessions as Singleton types. Multiple Sessions¶
To manage multiple user accounts, use a DynectMultiSession
instance and call the new_user_session method
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectMultiSession
>>> s = DynectMultiSession('customer', 'user', 'password')
>>> s.new_user_session('customer_two', 'user_two', 'password_two')
This will authenticate a second user. You can then switch between your open user sessions with set_active_session by passing a username. You can also pass the customer name as a keyword argument (in case you have the same username in two different customers).Use the get_open_sessions method to get a dictionary of all open sessions
>>> current_sessions = dynect_session.get_open_sessions()
>>> # loop through all open sessions
>>> for session in current_sessions:
... dynect_session.set_active_session(session['user_name'], customer=session['customer'])
... print("Zones for {0}".format(dynect_session.username))
... print(get_all_zones())
log_out_active_session can be called to only log out of the active session. Calling log_out will log out of all open sessions DynectSession as a Context Manager¶
As of version 1.2.0 you have the ability to use a DynectSession as a context manager, like so
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> with DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password') as s:
... return s.permissions
This feature is particularly useful if you’re looking to manage multiple user accounts programatically. Overriding Sessions¶
As of version 1.2.0 you have the ability to override an existing DynectSession with the use of the new_session class method like so
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> s = DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password')
>>> s = DynectSession.new_session('customer', 'another_user', 'password') Getting Sessions¶
If you don’t want to track your current DynectSession, but want to be able to access your current one later, you can make use of the get_session class method like so
>>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password')
>>> DynectSession.get_session().username
'user' Session History¶
As of version 1.3.0 users can now optionally allow DynectSessions to store a history of API calls that are made. This can be particularly useful for debugging, as well as for use when contacting Support.
>>> >>> from dyn.tm.session import DynectSession
>>> s = DynectSession('customer', 'user', 'password', history=True)
>>> s.history
... [('2014-10-14T11:15:17.351740',
... '/REST/Session/',
... 'POST',
... {'customer_name': 'customer', 'password': '*****', 'user_name': 'user'},
... u'success')]
Please note that if you do not specify history as True when you log in, that your history will not be recorded and s.history will return None