Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime

from dyn.compat import force_unicode
from import DynectInvalidArgumentError
from import DynectSession
from import APIList, Active, unix_date

__author__ = 'jnappi'
__all__ = ['get_all_dnssec', 'DNSSECKey', 'DNSSEC']

[docs]def get_all_dnssec(): """:return: A ``list`` of :class:`DNSSEC` Services""" uri = '/DNSSEC/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) dnssecs = [] for dnssec in response['data']: zone = dnssec['zone'] del dnssec['zone'] dnssecs.append(DNSSEC(zone, api=False, **dnssec)) return dnssecs
[docs]class DNSSECKey(object): """A Key used by the DNSSEC service"""
[docs] def __init__(self, key_type, algorithm, bits, start_ts=None, lifetime=None, overlap=None, expire_ts=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DNSSECKey` object :param key_type: The type of this key. (KSK or ZSK) :param algorithm: One of (RSA/SHA-1, RSA/SHA-256, RSA/SHA-512, DSA) :param bits: length of the key. Valid values: 1024, 2048, or 4096 :param start_ts: An epoch time when key is to be valid :param lifetime: Lifetime of the key expressed in seconds :param overlap: Time before key expiration when a replacement key is prepared, expressed in seconds. Default = 7 days. :param expire_ts: An epoch time when this key is to expire """ super(DNSSECKey, self).__init__() self.key_type = key_type self.algorithm = algorithm if not isinstance(bits, int): bits = int(bits) self.bits = bits self.start_ts = start_ts self.lifetime = lifetime self.overlap = overlap self.expire_ts = expire_ts self.dnssec_key_id = self.dnskey = self.ds = None for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
@property def _json(self): """The JSON representation of this :class:`DNSSECKey` object""" json_blob = {'type': self.key_type, 'algorithm': self.algorithm, 'bits': self.bits} if self.start_ts: json_blob['start_ts'] = self.start_ts if self.lifetime: json_blob['lifetime'] = self.lifetime if self.overlap: json_blob['overlap'] = self.overlap if self.expire_ts: json_blob['expire_ts'] = self.expire_ts return json_blob def _update(self, data): """Semi-private _update method""" for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'type': setattr(self, 'key_type', val) elif key == 'bits': setattr(self, key, int(val)) else: setattr(self, key, val) def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<DNSSECKey>: {}').format(self.algorithm) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class DNSSEC(object): """A DynECT System DNSSEC Service"""
[docs] def __init__(self, zone, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`DNSSEC` object :param zone: the zone this service will be attached to :param keys: a list of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s for the service :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications :param notify_events: A ``list`` of events that trigger notifications. Valid values are "create" (a new version of a key was created), "expire" (a key was automatically expired), or "warning" (early warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1 day) of events) """ super(DNSSEC, self).__init__() self.valid_notify_events = ('create', 'expire', 'warning') self._zone = zone self._contact_nickname = self._notify_events = None self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys') self._active = None self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone) if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] self._build(kwargs) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs) self._keys.uri = self.uri
def _post(self, keys, contact_nickname, notify_events=None): """Create a new :class:`DNSSEC` Service on the Dynect System""" self._keys += keys self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname self._notify_events = notify_events api_args = {'keys': [key._json for key in self._keys], 'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname} for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if val is not None and not hasattr(val, '__call__') and \ key.startswith('_'): if key == '_user_name' or key == '_keys': pass else: api_args[key[1:]] = val # Need to cast to CSV for API if self._notify_events is not None: api_args['notify_events'] = ','.join(self._notify_events) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _get(self): """Update this object from an existing :class:`DNSSEC` service from the Dynect System. """ api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Iterate over API data responses and update this object according to the data returned """ for key, val in data.items(): if key == 'keys': self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys') for key_data in val: key_data['key_type'] = key_data['type'] del key_data['type'] self._keys.append(DNSSECKey(**key_data)) elif key == 'active': self._active = Active(val) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone) self._keys.uri = self.uri @property def zone(self): """The name of the zone where this service exists. This is a read-only property """ return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, value): pass @property def active(self): """The current status of this :class:`DNSSEC` service. When setting directly, rather than using activate/deactivate valid arguments are 'Y' or True to activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. Note: If your service is already active and you try to activate it, nothing will happen. And vice versa for deactivation. :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of this :class:`DNSSEC` Service """ self._get() # Do a get to ensure an up-to-date status is returned return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): deactivate = ('N', False) activate = ('Y', True) if value in deactivate and self.deactivate() elif value in activate and not self.activate() @property def contact_nickname(self): """Name of contact to receive notifications""" return self._contact_nickname @contact_nickname.setter def contact_nickname(self, value): self._contact_nickname = value api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def notify_events(self): """A list of events that trigger notifications. Valid values are: create (a new version of a key was created), expire (a key was automatically expired), warning (early warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1 day) of events) """ return self._notify_events @notify_events.setter def notify_events(self, value): for val in value: if val not in self.valid_notify_events: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', val, self.valid_notify_events) value = ','.join(value) api_args = {'notify_events': value} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def keys(self): """A List of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s associated with this :class:`DNSSEC` service """ # Need this check for get_all_dnssec calls which do not return key info if self._keys is None or self._keys == []: self._get() return self._keys @keys.setter def keys(self, value): if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList): self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys', None, value) elif isinstance(value, APIList): self._keys = value self._keys.uri = self.uri
[docs] def activate(self): """Activate this :class:`DNSSEC` service""" api_args = {'activate': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data'])
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Deactivate this :class:`DNSSEC` service""" api_args = {'deactivate': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data'])
[docs] def timeline_report(self, start_ts=None, end_ts=None): """Generates a report of events this :class:`DNSSEC` service has performed and has scheduled to perform :param start_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time for the start of the timeline report :param end_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time for the end of the timeline report. Defaults to """ api_args = {'zone': self._zone} if start_ts is not None: api_args['start_ts'] = unix_date(start_ts) if end_ts is not None: api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date(end_ts) elif end_ts is None and start_ts is not None: api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date( uri = '/DNSSECTimelineReport/' response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) return response['data']
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`DNSSEC` Service from the DynECT System""" api_args = {} DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<DNSSEC>: {}').format(self._zone) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())