# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The tools module is designed to be able to assist users in some of the more
common or complicated tasks one will likely find themselves needing to
accomplish via the DynECT API
from dyn.compat import string_types
__author__ = 'jnappi'
[docs]def change_ip(zone, from_ip, to, v6=False, publish=False):
"""Change all occurances of an ip address to a new ip address under the
specified zone
:param zone: The :class:`~dyn.tm.zones.Zone` you wish to update ips for
:param from_ip: Either a list of ip addresses or a single ip address that
you want updated
:param to: Either a list of ip addresses or a single ip address that will
overwrite from_ip
:param v6: Boolean flag to specify if we're replacing ipv4 or ipv6
addresses (ie, whether we're updating an ARecord or AAAARecord)
:param publish: A boolean flag denoting whether or not to publish changes
after making them. You can optionally leave this as *False* and process
the returned changeset prior to publishing your changes.
:returns: A list of tuples of the form (fqdn, old, new) where fqdn is
the fqdn of the record that was updated, old was the old ip address,
and new is the new ip address.
records = zone.get_all_records()
records = records['aaaa_records'] if v6 else records['a_records']
changset = []
changed = False
def update_single_ip(f, t):
l_changed = False
for rrset in records:
if rrset.address == f:
fqdn, orig = rrset.fqdn, rrset.address
rrset.address = t
changset.append((fqdn, orig, t))
l_changed = True
return l_changed
if isinstance(from_ip, string_types):
from_ip, to = [from_ip], [to]
for index, ip in enumerate(from_ip):
if update_single_ip(ip, to[index]):
publish = True
# If we made changes, publish the zone
if publish and changed:
return changset
[docs]def map_ips(zone, mapping, v6=False, publish=False):
"""Change all occurances of an ip address to a new ip address under the
specified zone
:param zone: The :class:`~dyn.tm.zones.Zone` you wish to update ips for
:param mapping: A *dict* of the form {'old_ip': 'new_ip'}
:param v6: Boolean flag to specify if we're replacing ipv4 or ipv6
addresses (ie, whether we're updating an ARecord or AAAARecord)
:param publish: A boolean flag denoting whether or not to publish changes
after making them. You can optionally leave this as *False* and process
the returned changeset prior to publishing your changes.
:returns: A list of tuples of the form (fqdn, old, new) where fqdn is
the fqdn of the record that was updated, old was the old ip address,
and new is the new ip address.
records = zone.get_all_records()
records = records['aaaa_records'] if v6 else records['a_records']
changeset = []
changed = False
for old, new in mapping.items():
for record in records:
if record.address == old:
fqdn, orig = record.fqdn, record.address
record.address = new
changeset.append((fqdn, orig, new))
changed = True
# If we made changes, publish the zone
if publish and changed:
return changeset