Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains all Zone related API objects."""
import os
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime

from import unix_date
from dyn.compat import force_unicode
from import (DynectCreateError, DynectGetError,
from import (ARecord, AAAARecord, ALIASRecord, CDSRecord,
                            CDNSKEYRecord, CSYNCRecord, CERTRecord,
                            CNAMERecord, DHCIDRecord, DNAMERecord,
                            DNSKEYRecord, DSRecord, KEYRecord, KXRecord,
                            LOCRecord, IPSECKEYRecord, MXRecord, NAPTRRecord,
                            PTRRecord, PXRecord, NSAPRecord, RPRecord,
                            NSRecord, SOARecord, SPFRecord, SRVRecord,
                            TLSARecord, TXTRecord, SSHFPRecord, UNKNOWNRecord)
from import DynectSession
from import (ActiveFailover, DynamicDNS, DNSSEC,
                             TrafficDirector, GSLB, ReverseDNS, RTTM,
from import Task

__author__ = 'jnappi'
__all__ = ['get_all_zones', 'Zone', 'SecondaryZone', 'Node']

RECS = {'A': ARecord, 'AAAA': AAAARecord, 'ALIAS': ALIASRecord,
        'CDS': CDSRecord, 'CDNSKEY': CDNSKEYRecord, 'CSYNC': CSYNCRecord,
        'CERT': CERTRecord, 'CNAME': CNAMERecord, 'DHCID': DHCIDRecord,
        'DNAME': DNAMERecord, 'DNSKEY': DNSKEYRecord, 'DS': DSRecord,
        'KEY': KEYRecord, 'KX': KXRecord, 'LOC': LOCRecord,
        'IPSECKEY': IPSECKEYRecord, 'MX': MXRecord, 'NAPTR': NAPTRRecord,
        'PTR': PTRRecord, 'PX': PXRecord, 'NSAP': NSAPRecord,
        'RP': RPRecord, 'NS': NSRecord, 'SOA': SOARecord,
        'SPF': SPFRecord, 'SRV': SRVRecord, 'TLSA': TLSARecord,
        'TXT': TXTRecord, 'SSHFP': SSHFPRecord, 'UNKNOWN': UNKNOWNRecord}

[docs]def get_all_zones(): """Accessor function to retrieve a *list* of all :class:``'s accessible to a user :return: a *list* of :class:``'s """ uri = '/Zone/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) zones = [] for zone in response['data']: zones.append(Zone(zone['zone'], api=False, **zone)) return zones
[docs]def get_all_secondary_zones(): """Accessor function to retrieve a *list* of all :class:`SecondaryZone`'s accessible to a user :return: a *list* of :class:``'s """ uri = '/Secondary/' api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) zones = [] for zone in response['data']: zones.append(SecondaryZone(zone.pop('zone'), api=False, **zone)) return zones
def get_apex(node_name, full_details=False): """Accessor function to retireve the apex zone name of a given node available to logged in user. :param node_name: name of the node to search for apex for. :param full_details: if true, returns zone_type, serial_type, and serial along with apex zone name :return: a *string* containing apex zone name, if full_details is :const:`False`, a :const:`dict` containing apex zone name otherwise """ uri = '/Apex/{}'.format(node_name) api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) if full_details: return response['data'] else: return response['data']['zone']
[docs]class Zone(object): """A class representing a DynECT Zone"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`Zone` object. Note: When creating a new :class:`Zone` if no contact is specified the path to a local zone file must be passed to the ``file_name`` param. :param name: the name of the zone to create :param contact: Administrative contact for this zone :param ttl: TTL (in seconds) for records in the zone :param serial_style: The style of the zone's serial. Valid values: increment, epoch, day, minute :param file_name: The path to a valid RFC1035, BIND, or tinydns style Master file. Note: this file must be under 1mb in size. :param master_ip: The IP of the master server from which to fetch zone data for Transferring this :class:`Zone`. Note: This argument is required for performing a valid ZoneTransfer operation. :param timeout: The time, in minutes, to wait for a zone xfer to complete """ super(Zone, self).__init__() self.valid_serials = ('increment', 'epoch', 'day', 'minute') self._name = name self._fqdn = self._name if self._fqdn and not self._fqdn.endswith('.'): self._fqdn += '.' self._contact = self._ttl = self._serial_style = self._serial = None self._zone = self._status = None self.records = {} self._task_id = None = {} self.uri = '/Zone/{}/'.format(self._name) if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) self._name = self._zone self.uri = '/Zone/{}/'.format(self._name) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs) self._status = 'active'
def _post(self, contact=None, ttl=60, serial_style='increment', file_name=None, master_ip=None, timeout=None): """Create a new :class:`Zone` object on the DynECT System""" if contact is None and file_name is None and master_ip is None: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('contact', None) if file_name is not None: self._post_with_file(file_name) elif master_ip is not None: self._xfer(master_ip, timeout) else: self._contact = contact self._ttl = ttl if serial_style not in self.valid_serials: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError(serial_style, self.valid_serials) self._serial_style = serial_style api_args = {'zone': self._name, 'rname': self._contact, 'ttl': self._ttl, 'serial_style': self._serial_style} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _post_with_file(self, file_name): """Create a :class:`Zone` from a RFC1035 style Master file. A ZoneFile for BIND or tinydns will also be accepted :param file_name: The path to a valid ZoneFile """ full_path = os.path.abspath(file_name) file_size = os.path.getsize(full_path) if file_size > 1048576: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('Zone File Size', file_size, 'Under 1MB') else: uri = '/ZoneFile/{}/'.format( f = open(full_path, 'r') content = f.close() api_args = {'file': content} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute( uri, 'POST', api_args) self.__poll_for_get() self._build(response['data']) def _xfer(self, master_ip, timeout=None): """Create a :class:`Zone` by ZoneTransfer by providing an optional master_ip argument. """ uri = '/ZoneTransfer/{}/'.format( api_args = {'master_ip': master_ip} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) time_out = timeout or 10 count = 0 while count < time_out: response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', {}) if response['status'] == 'running' and response['message'] == '': sleep(60) count += 1 else: break self._get() def __poll_for_get(self, n_loops=10, xfer=False, xfer_master_ip=None): """For use ONLY by _post_with_file and _xfer. Will wait at MOST ``n_loops * 2`` seconds for a successfull GET API response. If no successfull get is recieved no error will be raised. """ count = 0 got = False while count < n_loops: try: self._get() got = True break except DynectGetError: sleep(2) count += 1 if not got and xfer: uri = '/ZoneTransfer/{}/'.format( api_args = {} if xfer_master_ip is not None: api_args['master_ip'] = xfer_master_ip response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) error_labels = ['running', 'waiting', 'failed', 'canceled'] ok_labels = ['ready', 'unpublished', 'ok'] if response['data']['status'] in error_labels: raise DynectCreateError(response['msgs']) elif response['data']['status'] in ok_labels: self._get() else: pass # Should never get here def _get(self): """Get an existing :class:`Zone` object from the DynECT System""" api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Build the variables in this object by pulling out the data from data """ for key, val in data.items(): if key == "task_id" and not val: self._task_id = None elif key == "task_id": self._task_id = Task(val) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _update(self, api_args): """Update this :class:`ActiveFailover`, via the API, with the args in api_args """ response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) @property def __root_soa(self): """Return the SOA record associated with this Zone""" return self.get_all_records_by_type('SOA')[0] @property def name(self): """The name of this :class:`Zone`""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): pass @property def fqdn(self): """The name of this :class:`Zone`""" return self._fqdn @fqdn.setter def fqdn(self, value): pass @property def contact(self): """The email address of the primary :class:`Contact` associated with this :class:`Zone` """ self._contact = self.__root_soa.rname return self._contact @contact.setter def contact(self, value): self.__root_soa.rname = value @property def ttl(self): """This :class:`Zone`'s default TTL""" self._ttl = self.__root_soa.ttl return self._ttl @ttl.setter def ttl(self, value): self.__root_soa.ttl = value @property def serial(self): """The current serial of this :class:`Zone`""" self._get() return self._serial @serial.setter def serial(self, value): pass @property def serial_style(self): """The current serial style of this :class:`Zone`""" self._get() return self._serial_style @serial_style.setter def serial_style(self, value): if value not in self.valid_serials: raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('serial_style', value, self.valid_serials) self.__root_soa.serial_style = value @property def status(self): """Convenience property for :class:`Zones`. If a :class:`Zones` is frozen the status will read as `'frozen'`, if the :class:`Zones` is not frozen the status will read as `'active'`. Because the API does not return information about whether or not a :class:`Zones` is frozen there will be a few cases where this status will be `None` in order to avoid guessing what the current status actually is. """ self._get() return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): pass
[docs] def freeze(self): """Causes the zone to become frozen. Freezing a zone prevents changes to the zone until it is thawed. """ api_args = {'freeze': True} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) if response['status'] == 'success': self._status = 'frozen'
[docs] def thaw(self): """Causes the zone to become thawed. Thawing a frozen zone allows changes to again be made to the zone. """ api_args = {'thaw': True} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) if response['status'] == 'success': self._status = 'active'
[docs] def publish(self, notes=None): """Causes all pending changes to become part of the zone. The serial number increments based on its serial style and the data is pushed out to the nameservers. """ api_args = {'publish': True} if notes: api_args['notes'] = notes self._update(api_args)
@property def task(self): """:class:`Task` for most recent system action on this :class:`Zone`. """ if self._task_id: self._task_id.refresh() return self._task_id
[docs] def get_notes(self, offset=None, limit=None): """Generates a report containing the Zone Notes for this :class:`Zone` :param offset: The starting point at which to retrieve the notes :param limit: The maximum number of notes to be retrieved :return: A :class:`list` of :class:`dict` containing :class:`Zone` Notes """ uri = '/ZoneNoteReport/' api_args = {'zone':} if offset: api_args['offset'] = offset if limit: api_args['limit'] = limit response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args) return response['data']
[docs] def add_record(self, name=None, record_type='A', *args, **kwargs): """Adds an a record with the provided name and data to this :class:`Zone` :param name: The name of the node where this record will be added :param record_type: The type of record you would like to add. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :param args: Non-keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor """ fqdn = name + '.' + + '.' if name else + '.' # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable rec = RECS[record_type](, fqdn, *args, **kwargs) if record_type in self.records: self.records[record_type].append(rec) else: self.records[record_type] = [rec] return rec
[docs] def add_service(self, name=None, service_type=None, *args, **kwargs): """Add the specified service type to this zone, or to a node under this zone :param name: The name of the :class:`Node` where this service will be attached to or `None` to attach it to the root :class:`Node` of this :class:`Zone` :param service_type: The type of the service you would like to create. Valid service_type arguments are: 'ActiveFailover', 'DDNS', 'DNSSEC', 'DSF', 'GSLB', 'RDNS', 'RTTM', 'HTTPRedirect' :param args: Non-keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor """ constructors = {'ActiveFailover': ActiveFailover, 'DDNS': DynamicDNS, 'DNSSEC': DNSSEC, 'DSF': TrafficDirector, 'GSLB': GSLB, 'RDNS': ReverseDNS, 'RTTM': RTTM, 'HTTPRedirect': HTTPRedirect} fqdn = + '.' if name: fqdn = name + '.' + fqdn if service_type == 'DNSSEC': # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable service = constructors[service_type](, *args, **kwargs) else: # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable service = constructors[service_type](, fqdn, *args, **kwargs) if service_type in[service_type].append(service) else:[service_type] = [service] return service
[docs] def get_all_nodes(self): """Returns a list of Node Objects for all subnodes in Zone (Excluding the Zone itself.) """ api_args = {} uri = '/NodeList/{}/'.format(self._name) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) nodes = [Node(self._name, fqdn) for fqdn in response['data'] if fqdn != self._name] return nodes
[docs] def get_node(self, node=None): """Returns all DNS Records for that particular node :param node: The name of the Node you wish to access, or `None` to get the root :class:`Node` of this :class:`Zone` """ if node: fqdn = node + '.' + + '.' else: fqdn = + '.' return Node(, fqdn)
[docs] def get_all_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all record resources for the specified node and zone combination as well as all records from any Base_Record below that point on the zone hierarchy :return: A :class:`List` of all the :class:`DNSRecord`'s under this :class:`Zone` """ self.records = {} uri = '/AllRecord/{}/'.format(self._name) if self.fqdn is not None: uri += '{}/'.format(self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} records = {} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = RECS[search] except KeyError: constructor = RECS['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append(constructor(self._name, fqdn, **record)) records[key] = list_records return records
[docs] def get_all_records_by_type(self, record_type): """Get a list of all :class:`DNSRecord` of type ``record_type`` which are owned by this node. :param record_type: The type of :class:`DNSRecord` you wish returned. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`DNSRecord`'s """ names = {'A': 'ARecord', 'AAAA': 'AAAARecord', 'ALIAS': 'ALIASRecord', 'CDS': 'CDSRecord', 'CDNSKEY': 'CDNSKEYRecord', 'CERT': 'CERTRecord', 'CSYNC': 'CSYNCRecord', 'CNAME': 'CNAMERecord', 'DHCID': 'DHCIDRecord', 'DNAME': 'DNAMERecord', 'DNSKEY': 'DNSKEYRecord', 'DS': 'DSRecord', 'KEY': 'KEYRecord', 'KX': 'KXRecord', 'LOC': 'LOCRecord', 'IPSECKEY': 'IPSECKEYRecord', 'MX': 'MXRecord', 'NAPTR': 'NAPTRRecord', 'PTR': 'PTRRecord', 'PX': 'PXRecord', 'NSAP': 'NSAPRecord', 'RP': 'RPRecord', 'NS': 'NSRecord', 'SOA': 'SOARecord', 'SPF': 'SPFRecord', 'SRV': 'SRVRecord', 'TLSA': 'TLSARecord', 'TXT': 'TXTRecord', 'SSHFP': 'SSHFPRecord'} constructor = RECS[record_type] uri = '/{}/{}/{}/'.format(names[record_type], self._name, self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) records = [] for record in response['data']: fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] del record['zone'] # Unpack rdata for key, val in record['rdata'].items(): record[key] = val del record['rdata'] record['create'] = False records.append(constructor(self._name, fqdn, **record)) return records
[docs] def get_any_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`DNSRecord`'s associated with this :class:`Zone` """ if self.fqdn is None: return api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} uri = '/ANYRecord/{}/{}/'.format(self._name, self.fqdn) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} records = {} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = RECS[search] except KeyError: constructor = RECS['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append(constructor(self._name, self.fqdn, **record)) records[key] = list_records return records
[docs] def get_all_active_failovers(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`ActiveFailover` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`ActiveFailover` Services """ uri = '/Failover/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) afos = [] for failover in response['data']: del failover['zone'] del failover['fqdn'] afos.append(ActiveFailover(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **failover)) return afos
[docs] def get_all_ddns(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`DDNS` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`DDNS` Services """ uri = '/DDNS/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) ddnses = [] for svc in response['data']: del svc['zone'] del svc['fqdn'] ddnses.append( DynamicDNS(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **svc)) return ddnses
[docs] def get_all_httpredirect(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`HTTPRedirect` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`HTTPRedirect` Services """ uri = '/HTTPRedirect/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) httpredirs = [] for httpredir in response['data']: del httpredir['zone'] del httpredir['fqdn'] httpredirs.append( HTTPRedirect(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **httpredir)) return httpredirs
[docs] def get_all_gslb(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`GSLB` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`GSLB` Services """ uri = '/GSLB/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) gslbs = [] for gslb_svc in response['data']: del gslb_svc['zone'] del gslb_svc['fqdn'] gslbs.append(GSLB(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **gslb_svc)) return gslbs
[docs] def get_all_rdns(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`ReverseDNS` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`ReverseDNS` Services """ uri = '/IPTrack/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) rdnses = [] for rdns in response['data']: del rdns['zone'] del rdns['fqdn'] rdnses.append( ReverseDNS(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **rdns)) return rdnses
[docs] def get_all_rttm(self): """Retrieve a list of all :class:`RTTM` services associated with this :class:`Zone` :return: A :class:`List` of :class:`RTTM` Services """ uri = '/RTTM/{}/'.format(self._name) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) rttms = [] for rttm_svc in response['data']: del rttm_svc['zone'] del rttm_svc['fqdn'] rttms.append(RTTM(self._name, self._fqdn, api=False, **rttm_svc)) return rttms
[docs] def get_qps(self, start_ts, end_ts=None, breakdown=None, hosts=None, rrecs=None): """Generates a report with information about Queries Per Second (QPS) for this zone :param start_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time for the QPS report :param end_ts: datetime.datetime instance indicating the end of the data range for the report. Defaults to :param breakdown: By default, most data is aggregated together. Valid values ('hosts', 'rrecs', 'zones'). :param hosts: List of hosts to include in the report. :param rrecs: List of record types to include in report. :return: A :class:`str` with CSV data """ end_ts = end_ts or api_args = {'start_ts': unix_date(start_ts), 'end_ts': unix_date(end_ts), 'zones': []} if breakdown is not None: api_args['breakdown'] = breakdown if hosts is not None: api_args['hosts'] = hosts if rrecs is not None: api_args['rrecs'] = rrecs response = DynectSession.get_session().execute('/QPSReport/', 'POST', api_args) return response['data']
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`Zone` and perform nessecary cleanups""" api_args = {} DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
def __eq__(self, other): """Equivalence operations for easily pulling a :class:`Zone` out of a list of :class:`Zone` objects """ if isinstance(other, str): return other == self._name elif isinstance(other, Zone): return == self._name return False def __ne__(self, other): """Non-Equivalence operator""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<Zone>: {}').format(self._name) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class SecondaryZone(object): """A class representing DynECT Secondary zones"""
[docs] def __init__(self, zone, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`SecondaryZone` object :param zone: The name of this secondary zone :param masters: A list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the master nameserver(s) for this zone. :param contact_nickname: Name of the :class:`Contact` that will receive notifications for this zone :param tsig_key_name: Name of the TSIG key that will be used to sign transfer requests to this zone's master """ super(SecondaryZone, self).__init__() self._zone = self._name = zone self.uri = '/Secondary/{}/'.format(self._zone) self._masters = self._contact_nickname = self._tsig_key_name = None self._task_id = None if 'api' in kwargs: del kwargs['api'] for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _get(self): """Get a :class:`SecondaryZone` object from the DynECT System""" api_args = {} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _post(self, masters, contact_nickname=None, tsig_key_name=None): """Create a new :class:`SecondaryZone` object on the DynECT System""" self._masters = masters self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname self._tsig_key_name = tsig_key_name api_args = {'masters': self._masters} if contact_nickname: api_args['contact_nickname'] = self._contact_nickname if tsig_key_name: api_args['tsig_key_name'] = self._tsig_key_name response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _update(self, api_args, uri=None): """Update this :class:`ActiveFailover`, via the API, with the args in api_args """ if not uri: uri = self.uri response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'PUT', api_args) self._build(response['data']) def _build(self, data): """Build the variables in this object by pulling out the data from data """ for key, val in data.items(): if key == "task_id" and not val: self._task_id = None elif key == "task_id": self._task_id = Task(val) else: setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def task(self): """:class:`Task` for most recent system action on this :class:`SecondaryZone`. """ if self._task_id: self._task_id.refresh() return self._task_id @property def zone(self): """The name of this :class:`SecondaryZone`""" return self._zone @zone.setter def zone(self, value): pass @property def masters(self): """A list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the master nameserver(s) for this zone. """ self._get() return self._masters @masters.setter def masters(self, value): self._masters = value api_args = {'masters': self._masters} self._update(api_args) @property def contact_nickname(self): """Name of the :class:`Contact` that will receive notifications for this zone """ self._get() return self._contact_nickname @contact_nickname.setter def contact_nickname(self, value): self._contact_nickname = value api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname} self._update(api_args) @property def tsig_key_name(self): """Name of the TSIG key that will be used to sign transfer requests to this zone's master """ self._get() return self._tsig_key_name @tsig_key_name.setter def tsig_key_name(self, value): self._tsig_key_name = value api_args = {'tsig_key_name': self._tsig_key_name} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def activate(self): """Activates this secondary zone""" api_args = {'activate': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Deactivates this secondary zone""" api_args = {'deactivate': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def retransfer(self): """Retransfers this secondary zone from its original provider into Dyn's Managed DNS """ api_args = {'retransfer': True} self._update(api_args)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this :class:`SecondaryZone`""" api_args = {} uri = '/Zone/{}/'.format(self._zone) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', api_args)
@property def active(self): """Reports the status of :class:`SecondaryZone` Y, L or N""" self._get() return self._active @property def serial(self): """Reports the serial of :class:`SecondaryZone`""" api_args = {} uri = '/Zone/{}/'.format(self._zone) self._update(api_args, uri) return self._serial def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<SecondaryZone>: {}').format(self._zone) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class Node(object): """Node object. Represents a valid fqdn node within a zone. It should be noted that simply creating a :class:`Node` object does not actually create anything on the DynECT System. The only way to actively create a :class:`Node` on the DynECT System is by attaching either a record or a service to it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, zone, fqdn=None): """Create a :class:`Node` object :param zone: name of the zone that this Node belongs to :param fqdn: the fully qualified domain name of this zone """ super(Node, self).__init__() = zone self.fqdn = fqdn or + '.' self.records = self.my_records = {} = []
[docs] def add_record(self, record_type='A', *args, **kwargs): """Adds an a record with the provided data to this :class:`Node` :param record_type: The type of record you would like to add. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :param args: Non-keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor """ # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable rec = RECS[record_type](, self.fqdn, *args, **kwargs) if record_type in self.records: self.records[record_type].append(rec) else: self.records[record_type] = [rec] return rec
[docs] def add_service(self, service_type=None, *args, **kwargs): """Add the specified service type to this :class:`Node` :param service_type: The type of the service you would like to create. Valid service_type arguments are: 'ActiveFailover', 'DDNS', 'DNSSEC', 'DSF', 'GSLB', 'RDNS', 'RTTM', 'HTTPRedirect' :param args: Non-keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the Record constructor """ constructors = {'ActiveFailover': ActiveFailover, 'DDNS': DynamicDNS, 'DNSSEC': DNSSEC, 'DSF': TrafficDirector, 'GSLB': GSLB, 'RDNS': ReverseDNS, 'RTTM': RTTM, 'HTTPRedirect': HTTPRedirect} # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable service = constructors[service_type](, self.fqdn, *args, **kwargs) return service
[docs] def get_all_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all record resources for the specified node and zone combination as well as all records from any Base_Record below that point on the zone hierarchy """ self.records = {} uri = '/AllRecord/{}/'.format( if self.fqdn is not None: uri += '{}/'.format(self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} records = {} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = RECS[search] except KeyError: constructor = RECS['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append(constructor(, fqdn, **record)) records[key] = list_records return records
[docs] def get_all_records_by_type(self, record_type): """Get a list of all :class:`DNSRecord` of type ``record_type`` which are owned by this node. :param record_type: The type of :class:`DNSRecord` you wish returned. Valid record_type arguments are: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CERT', 'CNAME', 'DHCID', 'DNAME', 'DNSKEY', 'DS', 'KEY', 'KX', 'LOC', 'IPSECKEY', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'PX', 'NSAP', 'RP', 'NS', 'SOA', 'SPF', 'SRV', and 'TXT'. :return: A list of :class:`DNSRecord`'s """ names = {'A': 'ARecord', 'AAAA': 'AAAARecord', 'CERT': 'CERTRecord', 'CNAME': 'CNAMERecord', 'DHCID': 'DHCIDRecord', 'DNAME': 'DNAMERecord', 'DNSKEY': 'DNSKEYRecord', 'DS': 'DSRecord', 'KEY': 'KEYRecord', 'KX': 'KXRecord', 'LOC': 'LOCRecord', 'IPSECKEY': 'IPSECKEYRecord', 'MX': 'MXRecord', 'NAPTR': 'NAPTRRecord', 'PTR': 'PTRRecord', 'PX': 'PXRecord', 'NSAP': 'NSAPRecord', 'RP': 'RPRecord', 'NS': 'NSRecord', 'SOA': 'SOARecord', 'SPF': 'SPFRecord', 'SRV': 'SRVRecord', 'TLSA': 'TLSARecord', 'TXT': 'TXTRecord', 'SSHFP': 'SSHFPRecord', 'ALIAS': 'ALIASRecord'} constructor = RECS[record_type] uri = '/{}/{}/{}/'.format(names[record_type],, self.fqdn) api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) records = [] for record in response['data']: fqdn = record['fqdn'] del record['fqdn'] del record['zone'] # Unpack rdata for key, val in record['rdata'].items(): record[key] = val del record['rdata'] record['create'] = False records.append(constructor(, fqdn, **record)) return records
[docs] def get_any_records(self): """Retrieve a list of all recs""" if self.fqdn is None: return api_args = {'detail': 'Y'} uri = '/ANYRecord/{}/{}/'.format(, self.fqdn) response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'GET', api_args) # Strip out empty record_type lists record_lists = {label: rec_list for label, rec_list in response['data'].items() if rec_list != []} records = {} for key, record_list in record_lists.items(): search = key.split('_')[0].upper() try: constructor = RECS[search] except KeyError: constructor = RECS['UNKNOWN'] list_records = [] for record in record_list: del record['zone'] del record['fqdn'] # Unpack rdata for r_key, r_val in record['rdata'].items(): record[r_key] = r_val record['create'] = False list_records.append( constructor(, self.fqdn, **record)) records[key] = list_records return records
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this node, any records within this node, and any nodes underneath this node """ uri = '/Node/{}/{}'.format(, self.fqdn) DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'DELETE', {})
def __str__(self): """str override""" return force_unicode('<Node>: {}').format(self.fqdn) __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__ def __bytes__(self): """bytes override""" return bytes(self.__str__())
[docs]class TSIG(object): """A class representing DynECT TSIG Records"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`TSIG` object :param name: The name of the TSIG key for :class:`TSIG` object :param algorithm: Algorithm used for :class:`TSIG` object. Valid options: hmac-sha1, hmac-md5, hmac-sha224,hmac-sha256, hmac-sha384, hmac-sha512 :param secret: Secret key used by :class:`TSIG` object """ self._name = name self.uri = '/TSIGKey/{}/'.format(self._name) self._secret = None self._algorithm = None if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: self._get() else: self._post(*args, **kwargs)
def _get(self): """Get a :class:`TSIG` object from the DynECT System""" api_args = {'name': self._name} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) def _post(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`TSIG` object on the DynECT System""" api_args = {'name': self._name, 'secret': kwargs['secret'], 'algorithm': kwargs['algorithm']} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def secret(self): """Gets Secret key of :class:`TSIG` object""" self._get() return self._secret @secret.setter def secret(self, secret): """ Sets secret key of :class:`TSIG` object :param secret: key """ api_args = {'name': self._name, 'secret': secret} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def algorithm(self): """Gets Algorithm of :class:`TSIG` object. """ self._get() return self._algorithm @algorithm.setter def algorithm(self, algorithm): """ Sets Algorithm of :class:`TSIG` object. :param algorithm: hmac-sha1, hmac-md5, hmac-sha224, hmac-sha256, hmac-sha384, hmac-sha512 """ api_args = {'name': self._name, 'algorithm': algorithm} response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT', api_args) for key, val in response['data'].items(): setattr(self, '_' + key, val) @property def name(self): """Gets name of TSIG Key in :class:`TSIG`""" return self._name
[docs] def delete(self): api_args = {} DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)